Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tapioca Drink

Hi all!  Here is a recipe for tapioca with watermelon and strawberry juice!
   Tapioca (The dry kind):  Pour out as much tapioca as you want.  Pour the tapioca into boiling water.  The water should be six times the amount of the pearls.  Stir and cover the pot.  Cook for 20 minutes with medium heat.  Turn off the heat and leave the pot alone for 30 minutes.  Strain the tapioca and cool it with cold water.  Add some sugar and set aside.

Juice:  Take some watermelon and frozen strawberries and blend them.  After a while, add ice and blend until smooth.  Pour into cups,  add tapioca and serve.  Enjoy!

Also, you can experiment with other juices!  Good luck!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Heyy! Jessmile's back in business!
Sorry for not posting for a long time....
Anyways, HIII!
Our class has this REALLY thick Rome packet due this coming Tuesday, and I barely even did half of it!!! I need some help.
Also, ALGEBRA TeSt!!!!
Study, study, study, trying to get a chance of a lifetime (oh, maybe not that huge.)
Is it worth it? Maybe...
Finally, PROMOTION!!!!!!!!!
I'm soo excited for promotion! Going to pick out a dress tonight..
Anyways, CAN'T WAIT!!!!
I'll post again soon....


Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hi!  The results from my survey are: 2 votes for muffins and 1 vote for cupcakes.  The blog is so quiet.....

Saturday, May 21, 2011


It is almost promotion and I dont know what to wear!!! what do you think matches with black flats?????

Friday, May 20, 2011


I have decided to change the blog design!  Hope you like it!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hi!  Do you want me to change the design of the blog?

Muffins and Cupcakes

Hi everyone!  I have a question for you.  Muffins or cupcakes?  On May 21st I will count the votes.  BTW, I vote muffins!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

World Wide Wedding overdone by Osama's death?

On the news tonight, they news crew reported that Osama Bin Laden, leader of Al Kaida (sp?) has been killed by an American. It is said that he was captured and killed. Not to long ago however, the world wide wedding had taken place, and many viewers tuned in to watch.
On contrast, the news of the death has interrupted many usual local shows for the special report. Do you think that the death has outdone the wonderful wedding' no matter how beautiful it was? What's your opinion?

Just Smile