Saturday, January 26, 2013

2013- Where is everyone?

Hey guys! Just wanted to see how all of you are. =) I've been checking on the blog the past couple of days, and I haven't seen anything new. Where are you guys? You must have been like me- lazy and too busy/tired to post. =P
So, almost end of January. Has everyone been fulfilling their New Year's Resolutions so far? Or have you all forgotten/ just didn't follow through? For me, I guess I have been keeping them so far. 11 more months to go =D
Today I've been working on a couple  "works of art" and I've been thinking to myself... it seems that at one point all of my BLOBBS look the same, or atleast, relatively similar. Do you guys see it that way too? Maybe I should try something different.. =)
Which reminds me. Yesterday I was reading a fictional book about someone's life through the course of four years. In the beginning, he was innocent and free of stress and full of joy. Then, as he grew up, he was introduced to change- and he didn't like it. At the end of the book, he accepts change, because he realized that change isn't all bad. Some of it can be good.
Soo.. yea. Sorry if it didn't make sense, I just felt like typing that. =D


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

DonutBoy's Homemade NingBo New Year Dumplings

To celebrate the start of 2013, DonutBoy wanted to recreate one of his fondest childhood new year memories - eating homemade sweet dumplings! So he decided to make them from scratch - from hand kneading and shaping the glutinous rice flour dough, grinding the black sesame seeds for the sweet paste filling, to adding artery clogging, calorie busting LARD into the mix. The results are these ooey gooey chewy NingBo sesame rice balls. Thank you DonutBoy for your hard work. What a YUMMY way to usher in the new year!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Hi everyone! Sorry for not posting in a while...HAPPY NEW YEAR though. =D
It's 2013! New Years Day. Big day =D
So, last night, while watching the Dick Clark's Rockin' New Years Eve 2012, I didn't want to work on my projects (=P) so I drew a BLOBBB. Well, more like I colored one. So... it will be at the bottom of this post. =) Anyways, I wish everyone a Wonderful Year~ and lots of great posts on this blog. =D
Well, not much else to say except, ENJOY YOUR BREAK WHILE IT LASTS!
For me it seems like time is passing especially fast during the break/holidays. Do you guys feel like that too?

Ok, now for my BLOB of the New Year:


Sorry for the bad quality of the picture, I was using my webcam to take the picture and my arms got tired from holding it up while trying to get it right, so I guess this is the best you are going to get. =P
Well, HAPPY NEW YEAR, 2013!!!


HAPPY 2013!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Where were you at the countdown???? DonutBoy and Spongy went to a local restaurant and countdown with Flamenco music, champagne and a chocolate lava cake…..not a bad way to start the new year! Let us know if you have any new year resolutions. Spongy's new year resolution is to learn the piano accompaniment to the third movement of the Telemann viola concerto in time to play with Dogluver for coming Christmas :-)