Sunday, June 16, 2013

Mexico- Part 4

Hi everyone!  This is part 4.  Enjoy the pictures!  In the morning, we were hoping to go to the Diego Rivera mural in Museum National.  Sadly, it was closed so we went to the Children Museum.  This is some napkin ink art we did inside.
This one was Pastrysister's.
We made art using a pendulum type drawing device.
Tada!  The end result.
Outside, we saw a large pool with balls you could toss into spinning hoops.  It was really hard.  :(
We visited the bubble center and made HUGE bubbles :D
We went to the museum's Jardin de Mariposa.  Sadly, all the butterflies were fake .  At least they were made of recyclables so that's good for the environment...
We left the museum and came to this seafood place for lunch.
We drank Boing.  They're fruit drinks.  We had guava and mango flavor.  It was good.
This is a shrimp cocktail we ordered.
This is what I had.  It's a red snapper.  Very tasty :)
Spicy shrimp.
Octopus, I think.
After eating lunch, we walk inside a market.  This is a stand inside.
A stand filled with all sorts of candy, baskets, and pinatas.  Quick fact:  Orginal pinatas have 7 spikes to represent the seven deadly sins.
Another stand, this one has gigantic lollipops!  The spiky thing you see is made of jello.
Outside of the market, we bought a baby lime popsicle..
We bought another popsicle, this one is tamarind flavor.  There is a wallet for size comparison.
An adult hand held up also for size comparison.  It was really tiny!
We drive to a bakery named Ecaroz.

I thought these cookies looked kind of cute but also kinda creepy.  What do you think?
A giant cake.  Yum!  Well, that's all for this post.  I'll try to get part 5 posted soon!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Well, Hello

 Hello Pastrygirl. Welcome. How has your summer been so far? Or has your school not ended yet? This summer I will be "out of town" for a while, but hopefully I can still be able to post. I can't wait to get yearbooks! It's been almost killing me to get them. For some reason I'm especially nervous/excited this year. What about you? Well, don't get forget sunscreen.


So Close To Summer!!!

Hi everyone!  It's getting super close to summer and I'm so excited!  I have most of my summer planned out.  Do you?  I'm glad that Jessmile has set up this contest.  Hopefully, we can all blog tons over the summer and get a large amount of great posts by the end of this summer.  Good luck to fellow competitors!  :)

It's Showtime.

 Hi everyone! Bloggers and followers. It is time for the Summer Posting Contest to begin. The rules were stated in the previous post. The winner of this contest will receive a special BLOBB from me. I'll try to make it as pretty as possible. =P  Let's start off this contest with a post- more specifically, this post. Which mean that I am already 1-up against my opponent(s). Mwhahaha. Also- if any post is not following the guidelines, it is up to the followers to point it out. (You can't trust your fellow bloggers. XD)  Ready everyone? Game on.


SUMMER!! (almost)


    Ok, so since the group is half-dead, I thought it might be fun to have a post contest. Whoever can post the most posts wins. But of course, you can't just like type one word and then think that can consider as a post. Absurd. Ready for the rules? Here goes.

Guidelines: Each competitor's posts must have a minimum of 5 standard-length sentences. (You know what I mean. don't think "I run." will count as a standard-length sentence.) Each post from that competitor must focus on a different subject/topic. The competitor with the most posts by the end of the summer (we will set the date later) wins.

Any questions? Feel free to comment below. Get ready Pastrylover. :3


Monday, June 10, 2013

Candy Kebabs

Hi everyone!  This is just a short post. Pastrysister and I made these for Pastrysister's birthday party.  There is a ton of sugar in this picture....

Monday, June 3, 2013

Because a Pastry told me

  Hi everyone! As you can see from the title, I am posting today simply "because a Pastry told me." Today, after school, Pastrygirl "politely asked" why I have not been posting in a while. I responded by starting a BLOBB right then and there. For what reason? Read between the lines. Anyways, during my wonderful process in drawing my BLOB, I asked Pastrygirl if she wanted to contribute anything. Now, look closely at the picture, and tell me if you notice two circles with arrows pointing to them. One of them is green, and the other is purple. What is contained in the circles (if anything), is what she contributed. I hope you all enjoy our "collaboration work."

                                          The words in the center symbolize how words can cut through like a bright light in the dark. Does that make sense? Perhaps not. Take this "drawing" into your own mind and process it. What does it mean? Does it have something to say? Can you understand its meaning? Can you even see Pastrygirl's contributions? These questions and more will be answered upon you looking at the picture.
Well, that's all for now.