Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sorry. It's Been a While.

Hey everyone! I'm back. I feel like I say this every time I post this year, but SORRY FOR NOT CHECKING ON THE BLOG FOR THE PAST.. MONTH?
Anyways, Thanksgiving is next week- how are you celebrating/ what will you be doing? I have this mini project for Spanish that basically asks those questions. =P
On another topic (sorry I'm jumping from place to place), I realized in these past couple of days that I need a new hobby, or at least, be not lazy enough to enjoy the hobbies I already have. For example, I like to draw BLOBBs (as you may have seen in previous posts). However, I would look at the piece of paper and markers and simply be too lazy to actually start drawing (scribbling XP) anything.
Maybe I just need to learn how to not be as lazy. Something to put on next New Year's Resolutions. Actually, I think I put that every year. =P
Scrolling down through October's posts, I am amazed at all the pictures. Wow, they are so beautiful!!  Next time you should bring me along/// just kidding. ^_^
Hm.. November

                             November, November

'Tis November I see
 Wow. How fast
it seems.
That time has
gone, and days
have become
and something.
yah, lots of
colder weather.
What is the
meaning of
this poem?
Don't ask.
I don't know
why either.

Aha. Some terrible on-the-spot poetry~ Hoped you enjoyed my nonsense

1) During the Holidays I enjoy
          a. eating lots of food and getting... considerably larger
          b. walking through the crisp winter air and stomping on fallen leaves
          c. Not doing homework because "But it's the Holidays!" makes a great excuse
          d. none of the above
          e. other ______

2) Why are end-of-the-year holidays when families get together? (as in, why don't families get together during the summer and celebrate Fourth of July or something? Why is "family holidays" generally associated with Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years)
           a. Annually, people think there will be an apocalypse near the end/beginning of the year so they want to spend time with their loved ones
           b. It's just a good time; it's cold and dark outside, much better weather to comfortably have ten or more people in the same room
           c. No answer necessary.
           d. none of the above
           e. other _____

3) What is your favorite holiday?
           a. Your Birthday
           b. President's Day
           c. Groundhog Day
           d. none of the above
           e. other _____

Well, this is one super long post. I hoped you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed typing it! (I will not tell you whether or not I actually liked typing all this lol)

One more thing- here you go Pastrygirl. Sorry, I know it's really late, and it's kinda plain. If you want I'll color it or something and then post it again~
Well. I think that's enough for today. Bai.