Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Yet another contest

Hi! I thought I might want to join in the fun, so yeah...I can't guarntee a prize, so yeah...

1.Emily's father had five daughters.
His first daughter was named Maggy.
His second daughter was named Meggy.
His third daughter was named Miggy.
His fourth daughter was named Moggy.
What was the name of the fifth daughter?

2. A butcher has a height of 5"7 .
What does he weigh?

3. A man was in court trial. The judge said,"I'll give you a chance to say one statement. If it is true, you will only be sentenced to 4 years of prison. If it is false, you will be sentenced to 6 years of prison." After the guilty man said his statement, the judge let him go.
What did the man say?


  1. 1) Courtney (obvious Muggy, but NO, I will not do that, its too obvious, so it CANNOT be the right answer!! MUAHAHAHAHA)
    2) 2 million tons!! HAHAHAHA
    3) You need to clip your toenails. (true statement) HEEHEEHEEHEE
    These are my stupid answers. HOPE YOU LAUGHED!

  2. Oh my.....we are getting contest fever! My take:

    1. Too-many
    2. Meat
    3. WHAT?????????

  3. 1.Emily
    3.I will be sentenced to prison for 6 years

  4. An answer to the third question could be:
    "Everything I say is a lie."
    (think, is that statement a lie too...hmm...BRAIN HURTS!!!!!)

  5. Answers:
    #1 Her name is EMILY! Read the first line.
    #2 Meat, a butcher weighs meat.
    #3 yet to be revealed

  6. ok, answer #3 is "I will be sentenced to prison for 6 years" See how that contridicts? (sp error) So the judge got so confused(more like omg, i dont want to think anymore) and released the guilty man.
