Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Update on glitch

Hi!  I tried to comment/watch a video but failed.  Again.  :(  I did some research and found out that this site is working on fixing the glitch!  Yay!  Anyways, did you here about the site called pottermore?  It's a site with a game based on the Harry Potter series.  The author, J.K. Rowling created it.  They say that registration for the site will be available at the end on October.  I think it will be worth checking out.  Well, that's all I wanted to say.  I hope to be able to comment again soon! 


  1. Harry potter is a good series and probably going to check it out soon.. =)

  2. Personally, I don't really like Harry Potter that much...and don't yell at me for saying that...its just my opinion..jeez. Is it a rule that EVERYONE has to like Harry Potter?!...NO

  3. It's ok if you don't like HP. Its just a suggestion.
