Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Okay, I'm just gonna make a totally random haiku poem.
homework seems endless
have to do it all the time
so many subjects

Okay, that's it....  Yeah.....  Random!

Hi! Back.

Hello everyone, I'm back for another day of blogging.
Yesterday was the restart of my blogging. EVERYONE CLAP FOR ME NOW!!!!!!!!
Ignore that last part, I was just kidding. =P
Anyways, today at school recieves an :OK-Good-ish rating.
It was normal school, and usually normal school is always an "OK" rating.
Anyways, in 6th period Art, we had a sub. The sub wasn't really strict and some students called her "the best sub ever". She let us talk quite a bit. But the main reason why the students liked her so much because she was funny. She told us a funny story (which by now i have forgotten) and also talked to us. Kind of un-teacher like.
Like, someone asked us her race, and a couple people shouted out guesses. In the end, she said she was Indian, but have been said to look Russian, Mexican, Afghan, and a couple others.
And that's all I'm going to talk about that topic... O.o

Anyways, I'm excited to take on Dogluver's challenge with the art thing, but of course, I have claimed to draw an ugly blob, but still, a blob is a blob, and that is still considered contributing. So, when I find time, I'll get started on my blob and hope you like it when it comes out!


Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been on the blog recently, and I know some authors "hint hint" have been bugging me a lot about not going on, and I'm sorry...
Please, (if you may) excuse the title for this post. I know it sounds kinda weird, and I only named it that because I thought it would kind of "Lighten" the mood around here...

Anyways, Thankgiving has passed and so has Black Friday AND Cyber Monday. Wow! Busy week. Did anyone buy anything cool, exciting, Awesome? And does anyone have any great memories they would like to share? Comment away! (I kinda sounded like a teacher back there..O.o)

Anyways, I bought some items of interest. I bought the game Pictionary, except it's a deck of cards, and you don't have to draw ANYTHING! (great for a person like Me, who always draws something that others mistaken for a blob, and NOT a very pretty blob thank you very much!)
Back to the game, it's basically charades with props, and using the picture cards, you can act things out, and you can also combine cards the create other pictures. (combine as in kind of overlapping two cards so that the picture includes a part of each of the original pictures.)

So... Yeah.




Monday, November 28, 2011

New Author

Hi all!  I wanted to say that we may have a new author joining us.  She is a friend of me, stargazer, and jessmile.  She is into arts and crafts and would like to post some projects on the blog.  Also, @dogluver she said that she liked your drawings.  So, I would like to ask everyone if they agree to her joining the blog.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Almost Over

Thanksgiving break is almost over......  So sad....  :(  Well here comes school again.....

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving for me

Well, I know I skipped again....  Oops!  So little people posting!  :(  Well anyways, for thanksgiving, I went over to my grandma's house.  We had turkey, cranberry sauce, ribs, cider, gravy, and apple-cranberry-pinapple-persimmon cobbler.  Yum!    Well... Happy black friday!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


What kind of holiday cookies do you like to eat?  Just curious......  I like shortbread.  :)  Sorry that I skipped a day......

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thanksgiving break

IM REALLLLY SORRY i havent posted in like a long time...... so anyways..... what are you going to do during thanks giving? Im going to the movies, stay at home doing BORING school work and the best of all going shopping on black friday...!!!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Did you know?

Just curious, did you know that dark chocolate is good for your skin?  Okay, thats it....

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Just curious, what is your favorite thing to eat on Thanksgiving?  I like the turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Hiya!  I have a snack recipe!  It's not that great but its yummy!  First you take a banana and slice it into pieces.  Then, take some marshmellows and melt them in the microwave.  Take a gram cracker and spread the marshmellow on it.  Put some banana pieces on the cracker and cover it.  It should now look like a sandwich or smore.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I'm following dogluver's suggestion about reviews.  I shall review uhhh........ shoes!  Well not brands but the type of shoes.  This time of year, lots of people are wearing boots!  I have a pair too!  However, I also just like wearing my sneakers but flats aren't bad either...  Okay that was terrible....  Sad!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Hi everyone! So sorry that I haven't been on in a long while. And sorry to Dogluver for me leaving you alone on the blog. Like I said, I think we need a new era, because without it, we don't really have a reason to log on and check. I propose a new era. And we should storm up ideas, I believe. Comment ideas you have, and then aftewards we can vote. Ok, get thinking!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Bday!

Happy birthday dogluver!  This is from all the other authors too!  Hope you get lots of presents!