Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hi! Back.

Hello everyone, I'm back for another day of blogging.
Yesterday was the restart of my blogging. EVERYONE CLAP FOR ME NOW!!!!!!!!
Ignore that last part, I was just kidding. =P
Anyways, today at school recieves an :OK-Good-ish rating.
It was normal school, and usually normal school is always an "OK" rating.
Anyways, in 6th period Art, we had a sub. The sub wasn't really strict and some students called her "the best sub ever". She let us talk quite a bit. But the main reason why the students liked her so much because she was funny. She told us a funny story (which by now i have forgotten) and also talked to us. Kind of un-teacher like.
Like, someone asked us her race, and a couple people shouted out guesses. In the end, she said she was Indian, but have been said to look Russian, Mexican, Afghan, and a couple others.
And that's all I'm going to talk about that topic... O.o

Anyways, I'm excited to take on Dogluver's challenge with the art thing, but of course, I have claimed to draw an ugly blob, but still, a blob is a blob, and that is still considered contributing. So, when I find time, I'll get started on my blob and hope you like it when it comes out!