Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Jessmile's Back =D

  Hi everyone!!! Jessmile's back! =DD Sorry I haven't posted in a while..
Anyways, Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and I am pretty excited! And then the day after tomorrow will be- Black Friday. =)
 So.. with break and everything, what do you guys do to pass the time? Homework? Projects? Go on the computer? Play sports? Are you guys really busy during the holidays- or are you just looking for something to do to kill some time? Well, for me, during this past week, I have done... not much homework. Also I have not started on my project ( but it's not due until after Christmas Break... but still~ ), but one thing I have done   (or rather, am doing) is writing this post. (from my observations) When people are bored, they A.try to find something to do  B. finds a friend and tells them they're bored so the friend can bring them out of boredom  C. goes to sleep
What do you do when you're bored? 

Ok, next topic. Gifts. I know it's a little bit early for Christmas, but you can never be too early to find the perfect gift for someone. Speaking of gifts, when do you know you have the perfect gift for someone? (for Christmas, birthdays, or any special event/holiday) Do you get something you know the person will like because they will use it everyday, or will they like it because of how it looks but not what it does? Or does the perfect gift not have to do anything at all, and only needs to show your appreciation for the other? Do you even have to get a perfect gift for someone? Does it even matter that much? I wonder what you guys think.  

Well, that's all for now! =) Maybe next time I'll post there will be a BLOBB =P



  1. BIG THANK YOU to Jessmile for rescuing our blog from hibernation….and it's not even winter yet!

    I agree with Jessmile that gift giving is no easy task….it is revealing of the personalities of the gift giver and receiver, and how well they know each other etc etc……Thinking about Christmas gift shopping is giving me a headache already!

  2. Sorry for being so quiet :( To pass the time I message people or read usually. I think Christmas gifts don't have to be perfect, just to show you appreciate that person.

  3. Sorry the blog has been so quiet. I have barely ANY free time atm. Finals... its that time of year...

    HOWEVER! I am SUPER DUPER excited for Christmas cause I love giving people presents. My rule of thumb for presents is you get the person something they wouldn't get for themselves (something not EXTREMELY useful... so no pots or socks :D) but something they'll still enjoy. It usually ends up poking fun at them in a nice way or reflects upon some inside joke. Yeah.. I still have to decide what to get all my friends. Ah well..... I have a couple weeks. Heh heh.
