Friday, December 23, 2011


Happy holidays!  Only 2 more days till christmas!  What gifts are you hoping for?  Nothing much has happened so far......  At least I'm finally getting enough sleep....  Maybe I can make something tasty one of these days!  Well yeah, ok.....  Oh yeah, I might visit lake tahoe over break but we are not sure yet....

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Random Sketches

Came across this set of cool sketches on a blog I frequently visit. These sketches of the blog owner, Susie Bubble, by her friend, Amy Smilovic, designer of fashion label Tibi's, are so much fun and exuberant. Just want to share them with all of you. Enjoy!


Hi. Quick question: If someone you don't really know at all asked for your phone number on email AND facebook, and then after you gave it to her, she asked you if you had any long term things you're going to do for winter break, should you be creeped out? Thanks, I was getting kinda weirded out about that.....
Anyways, thanks for all of the suggestions you gave me for my previous posts. I escpecially like spongychesnutcake's third suggestion. =PPP
Today is the first day of winter, so for all the people who has already been complaining about the weather, winter only starts now. I love the winter holidays of giving presents, receiving them, and spending time with your family. Well, yawn, almost 8:00!


Winter Break

Hey all!  Finally winter break woohoo!  Unfortunately, yesterday was rather sad......  My cat got put to sleep.  Well at least she lived a good long life of 17 years.  Thats like 90 something in cat years!  Well yeah, ok.....  So, is anyone planning anything for the next two weeks?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Random Blobs

This post is in response to Dogluver's call for BYOB (Blog your own Blob). Technically speaking, I did not create these blobs. These are chef creations from restaurants I've eaten in. Nonetheless, these blobs end up in my stomach. So in a way, I suppose they are my blobs….. somewhat???? Here we go…..

1) UGLY BLOB - Grilled Eggplant
    In defense of this blob, eggplant is a healthy vegetable (fruit?) rich in dietary fiber and
    a host of vitamins and minerals. It tastes a lot better than it looks. Plus, I love the
    aubergine eggplant color when it is in its raw state.

2) PRETTY BLOB - Hazelnut Mousse Cake
    Hazelnut mousse on top of hazelnut crunch and chocolate sponge cake. What's not
    to like?

3) MINIATURE BLOB - Grilled Sardines
    Hands down the tiniest fishies I've ever eaten. They are not even the size of my 
    pinky. Unfortunately, the price of this dish is inversely proportional to the size 
    of the fish.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Sorry I haven't been bligging recently.... Anyways, I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT TOMOROW IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOOL!!!
Oh wait,I can. It's been a pretty busy week with all the last minute reports and tests (and I have one tomorrow that I have yet to study for D=). Even though it's only 9:00, I feel tired and feeling wierd for school tomorrow. I keep thinking to myself : What will I do over break? What fun things will I do with friends and family? Well, right now I am going crazy over that question, so if you please, comment a thing or two i can do over break (besides going on the blog =P)
Thanks. Well,


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Random Korea

Hello to my fellow bloggers. I'm back from hiatus and want to share some pics from my recent Korean trip!

1) Korean Fall Foliage

2) Korean Palace Guards - As seen on Korean TV soaps :-)

3) Korean Beef - Yes….Donutboy and I ate all that.

4) Korean Ostrich - Well…..we ran into Mr. Ostrich while he was making an escape from his pound on this Korean island…..not sure where he was planning to head to.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Hey did you hear the news?  It turns out if you have a smartphone and you take a pic., post on a social site, peoplez will stalk you!  :o!  Isn't that creepy?  Just one photo and they can find out where you live............  So creepy.....  Anyways, today was an okay day...  We did have our winter concert today though...  BTW  Great job stargazer!  Yeah, kay thats it for now.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I am really tired so far.....  I have to stay up late to work on my proj.  Anyways, today was an okay day.  I ran the mile......  Yeah, so.....  About dogluver's comment on my last post.....  Maybe she is right....  I mean two months is a lot of time isn't it?  At least it is for me....  I am busy but I can at least post once within two months....  Right?  Thats not too much to ask, is it?  I mean...  It dosen't have to be long or anything...  @jessmile you don't mean me by your annoying friend do you?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

History HW

Hi all!  My earlier post is up to anyone's interpertation.  It may be what you think, it may not.  Anyways, I am working on my history proj.  Anyone have info about Song Dynasty?  Ya, the weekends ok for right now......  Nothing really special......  I do have a cold though.  :(  So tired!  At least winter break is comming soon.  Anyone have special plans?  Ok.....  Thats kinda it......


Hi, I just wanted to ask a quick question about pastygirl's post.
What do you mean we should be "weeding" such as posts, comments, or even (gulp) AuTHOrS??!!
Anyways, I'm am not wanting to post anything, but just something i want to say really quick:
Answer this Riddle:

A man rode into town on Friday. He stayed for three days and left on Friday.
How did he do it?
(got the riddle from an iCarly epsiode =PPP)


Thursday, December 8, 2011


Hi all!  Still like 1 1/2 weeks till winter break.  So, earlier, we said that maybe we should add another author.  But maybe, we need to do some weeding on this blog.  To remove comments or something like authors maybe.  But who knows......  What?  I'm not implying ANYTHING or anybody.  *evil smile*  This post is kinda long for me and short for others... but that's ok.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I know its a random title but whatever!  Well, what can I say about the authors that want me to post more.  Don't people think that life is sweet because it is so short?  Anyways today was a spare the air day so we didn't have to run the mile.  Yay!  :)  Okay, thats it for now........  Ya.......

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting for a couple of days.....
@dogluver I finished drawing the blob, but i still need to color it...
Can you wait a week???

@pastrygirl I agree with dogluver, can you blog something that is more than one sentence?
This week I have multiple Friday assignments due, and I am not very happy about that, but strangely, I seem happier (or maybe just more hyper) than usual.
Also, HELP!
Do any of you know any good reading-level-appropriate(my reading level-NOT YOURS!) biographies? Because we have to read at least one biography this quarter, and usually (no offense) I find biographies qutie yeah...

Ok then,...


Monday, December 5, 2011


Hi all!  We just reached the 250 mark!  Yay!  Can't wait till we reach 300!  :)


Okay, so I have decided to post again today but longer this time.  So I just wanted to ask.....  What is Christmas to you?  When I think of Christmas, I think of hot chocolate, snow, and a pine tree.  I heard this girl at school goes caroling...  I have never done that bfore have you?  She waz singing all through math....  Kinda strange.....  Ya, so is anyone else thinking bout Christmas?  Just wondering here.....

So tired!

I'm so tired right now because I stayed up really late working on a project.  :(  Are you tired too?  zzzzz......

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Hi Everyone.

For this weekend, I have basically done nothing else except for read (and finish) two great books. The first book was "Finally" (sorry, i couldn't find the underline button anywhere...It's NOT THAT I DONT KNOW THAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO UNDERLINE BOOKS!! "cough cough") and "You Have to Stop This". Both books were very good, and I would enjoy reading them again; of course, not atleast within 2 weeks ( a new time slot i set for myself) because if i reread it any sooner, i will quickly remember every scene as i read it, and what happened, and such, and then it would just be totally BLECH! (I'm not trying to insult the book, just trying to let out the distress in a word.)

Anyways, based on the title, I have not been researching for my project and such and instead took the pleasure of reading. Although I know i still have atleast 5 hours until I'm going to call quits for the day, I don't feel like doing any work... ok then, sigh.

Well, That's All For Now..


Friday, December 2, 2011


Hey, just stopping in, gotta go do Chinese HW.  Eek!  See ya!  Sorry this was so short!


Hello Everyone. Right now I'm supposed to be vigoursly(I know i spelled that wrong) trying to finish my Chinese Homework, but instead, I'm here on the blog typing, typing, typing.
For my Chinese Project for Foster, my topic is Inventions and Discoveries.
Do you have any advice or tips for this project? Thanks. (mostly aiming at dogluver)

Well, i dont really have much else to say except, today at school there was a dance and a lot of songs were played including one of which has been mentioned before on this blog... so yeah




Thursday, December 1, 2011


Wow!  I can't believe that it is December already.  Has anyone gone christmas shopping yet?  Yeah, dats it for now......


Hello everyone. Sorry, but in the past 1-2 (I'm too lazy to check) days, I haven't been able to start on my blob yet.. To tell you the truth, it's not exactly a blob, it's more like a shape blob...or something like that... You'll see what I mean when I post it.
Anyways, how is everyone doing with their "OH NO, I HAVE TO SPEED UP THE WEEK, I MUST GET TO CHRISTMAS BREAK...NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So yeah... You know, I just realized that Christmas lands on a Sunday this year...
Never noticed that until now..

Well, that's all for nows...
