Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Sorry I haven't been bligging recently.... Anyways, I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT TOMOROW IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOOL!!!
Oh wait,I can. It's been a pretty busy week with all the last minute reports and tests (and I have one tomorrow that I have yet to study for D=). Even though it's only 9:00, I feel tired and feeling wierd for school tomorrow. I keep thinking to myself : What will I do over break? What fun things will I do with friends and family? Well, right now I am going crazy over that question, so if you please, comment a thing or two i can do over break (besides going on the blog =P)
Thanks. Well,



  1. 1) Sleepovers at Stargazer and PastryGirl's!!!!!!

    2) Volunteer at the FoodBank.

    3) Watch Justin Bieber music videos on Youtube :-)

  2. Ummmm.. visit family? Or go on a hike/ bike ride..... or find a new place to eat dinner..... or treat your family to a home-cooked meal from you..... go to a tourist trap in the area where you've never been to before.... (you'll be surprised how many people from around the world come over your area to a spot and they you on the other hand couldn't care less about visiting that spot XP)

  3. Eat Food!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus my pastries!
