Sunday, December 11, 2011

History HW

Hi all!  My earlier post is up to anyone's interpertation.  It may be what you think, it may not.  Anyways, I am working on my history proj.  Anyone have info about Song Dynasty?  Ya, the weekends ok for right now......  Nothing really special......  I do have a cold though.  :(  So tired!  At least winter break is comming soon.  Anyone have special plans?  Ok.....  Thats kinda it......

1 comment:

  1. Great.. you have a cold....(man, this thing sucks at sarcasm, just when I need it)

    Ya. So.. I think my rule is pretty good.. you know "if you don't post for more than 2 months, you could be out..." I think its pretty good cause if you SERIOUSLY can't find the time inn 2 whole months then its obvious that your not interested.....
