Friday, March 23, 2012


Hi guys... Today I didn't have a very good day at school... but that's besides the point.
Last Saturday on Saint Patrick's Day my family and I went to SF to watch John Carter.
Personally, I LOVED the movie. It was really good and had a "I-didn't-see-this-coming" kind of ending. You'll like it, IM SURE! (Although a lot of people say that it's a bad movie.. and even though it kinda flopped at the BoxOffice....) watch JOHN CARTER- THE MOVIE OF THE YEAR!
So.. yea.. ^ that was kinda like my advertisement =P... and such. Ok, not much else to say.. except :
Over the past couple of years I have drawn some "BLOBBS" that I might be interested in showing you guys.. BUT... I'm not sure if I will.............
Also, sorry for not posting in a long time, I have been kinda busy. Ok, Jessmile out!



  1. Ummmm.... no offense.... but I'd rather listen to the professional reviewers and probably not watch John Carter.

    However, I'm glad you had a good movie watching experience! :)

  2. Were there fun celebrations in downtown SF for St. Patrick's Day???? I gathered some feedback from non-professional reviewers for John Carter and they were only lukewarm. What are the things that draw you to this movie……besides the twist in the ending????
    I want to know because I have an undecided party who may want to go see the movie!

    Looking forward to your "BLOBBS". WE WANT TO SEE IT!!!! PLEASE POST!!!!!!!

    1. I saw it (somewhat against my will)
      -Boring and only watchable if there is a fight scene
      -Countless loopholes in the science background (ex. How can he breathe on Mars? How can he jump hundreds of feet in the air? The gravitational difference is not that high. He might be able to jump 5 feet, not 500. Plus, how can some magic language juice allow him to understand the native people? How can he remember english after drinking that? Why do the "martians" look EXACTLY like humans? It is almost impossible that they followed the same evolutionary pattern on an entirely different planet/ environment. Also, how can the aircrafts "run on light" when there is no wires or battery connecting the wings to the "invisible" engine? Why are there no gigantic craters like on Mars today? Why is there a gigantic river in the middle of nowhere when everything else is a wasteland? How come they also use swords and guns and arrows? Couldn't they have invented another weapon?)

      I can think of a lot more, but I don't want to be obsessive.

      REMEMBER!!!! I'm not saying that YOU didn't enjoy the movie, I'm just saying I didn't. Just my review. I'm sure you LOVED the movie!!!
