Friday, March 8, 2013

DC Trip Part 3

Hi everyone!  This is my final post for DC.  I hope you like the pictures.
The gun below. (We visited Ford's theatre where Lincoln got shot)
Arlington Cemetery.  I don't really recommend going here.  It feels really depressing and you're only allowed to whisper :(  These wreaths are placed every year during the holidays. 
More graves  :(
This is a soldier that walks back and forth in front of the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  Wow can you imagine doing this for a whole half an hour (one hour in spring and fall)?!
We visited the Smithsonian Museum of American History.  This was Michelle Obama's dress.  So pretty ^.^
A gigantic dollhouse.
My final day in DC.  This is where I was standing during the inauguration.  So many people!  After this, it was goodbye DC. 

Spring Skiing

DonutBoy at the top of Mount Heavenly on a gorgeous sunny day. Lake Tahoe in the background.

Same pose by Spongy, but at the bottom of the run. In front of base lodge.

We ran into MS Dixie II resting at Zephyr Cove on a leisurely afternoon drive along Lake Tahoe.

What do you do after a day of hard skiing? What else but reward yourself with frog legs :-)

Monday, March 4, 2013

DC Trip Part 2

Hey everybody!  So this is part two of the DC post.  Anyway, this is a picture of George Washington's home in Mount Vernon.
The servant quarters of George Washington's home.  Unfortunately, cameras were not allowed past this point ):
Completely random, but this is the ceiling of the Lincoln Memorial.
Abraham Lincoln inside of Lincoln memorial.
A night view of Washington monument.  A bit bleary but kind of pretty right?
A wall in the memorial of the Vietnam war.
A wall with the names of people who died during the war.  D:  That's all for now but there will be more pics soon!

DC Trip Part 1

Hey everybody!  I can't believe that March is already here!  Anyways, I wanted to post pics from my DC trip in January.  I know that it's two months late.... oh well :P.  Our first stop was the newseum and this news helicopter was hanging in the hallway.
An antenna from the world trade center from 9/11.
A printing press from the colonial times.
The capitol building.  The statue at the top is called Liberty.
Jefferson Monument.  It's huge, isn't it?
Thomas Jefferson
This is the Pacific side of the World War Two Memorial.  It has bronze eagles holding up a wreath inside the archway.
The Atlantic side of the World War Two Memorial.  That's it for now.  Stay tuned.