Thursday, February 27, 2014

The End of February

Hey everyone! It's almost the end of February and I haven't posted at all this month. I've been meaning to finish a certain TFIOS blob (pastrygirl knows what I'm talking about) but I've been reading a certain app instead... so therefore my BLOB is not yet complete. However, when it is done, I'll be sure to post it for all to see. =)

Ok, so we all know that February has only 28 days, except for leap years. Why is that? As in, why is the second month of the year the one that gets the awkward number of days? How did that happen?

Anyways, I'm interested in finding out... who's your favorite artist (music) currently, and what is your favorite song by them?

Okay, that's enough procrastination for these past 10 minutes.


February! Already?

(Began this post in mid-February, just finished it and posting it now)
Well if it's a surprise to you about what month it is I suggest you go check the calendar. Preferably now.
In these past ten days of the month there hasn't been much that's happened to me, except that I was sick for the past couple of days. Yeah, it wasn't much fun at all. 

Anyways, moving on. For some reason my typing skills are failing me. O rather, if I had typing skills, they would be failing me. Right now I am having trouble not making a ton of typos. Not sure why. It just happens I guess. 


My oh my, I looked at the time
and saw that my poem didn't rhyme.
I had so many things to do,
and I realized that my calendar was missing a couple days
more like 2/29-2/30
they had disappeared
or maybe they were never there before
Valentine's Day and President's day is just too much
for a month short of 2 days to handle.
Or is it?

Aha. Sorry that was a really bad poem and didn't make much sense. In fact, I think it was worse than my November one. Well, see you in March~!