Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Spring Break (So far...)

So far my break has been ok... I'm in LA!! I've been watching a lot of TV today, and watched a movie (The Incredibles.) Tomorrow, I MIGHT cut my hair... My mom says it's too thick. Anyways, tomorrow is Easter!! Is anyone doing anything special?? I've been too lazy to do any homework, but I'm planning on doing some later...At least I've been reading a book right?
Try to post back soon!!! and remember, JUST SMILE! =)


  1. How's your vacation in LA so far? Is the weather nice and sunny? Plenty of things to do in LA.....maybe go and take a picture of the huge HOLLYWOOD sign and post it here on the blog? I like to visit the Getty Museum in LA, because it is a really modern, nicely designed building with lots of interesting exhibits!

    Anyway, hope you get a hair cut that you like!

  2. The weather is very sunny and warm.I didn't really have time to go sightseeing. Mostly my family and I go to Chinatown and eat some dim sum with family. Thanks for the suggestions though, and Thank you!

  3. I cut my hair too... U should get layers... That would look NICE!!!!!
