Saturday, May 26, 2012


Hi!  Sorry I haven't posted in the longest time.  So summer is coming up........  Only about 2 weeks of school  left!!!!!  Is anyone doing anything fun?  What reminds you of summer?  I'm probably going to a few summer camps and watermelon and cherries remind me of summer.  :)  


  1. I'm not sure what fun things I can do for summer?

    I may go rabbit hunting. That's right…..I got more uninvited guests to my yard. This time….rabbits that nibbled at my plants. I need to look up cooking recipes for rabbits……HAHAHAHA (evil laugh)

    What reminds me of summer?…..Swimming and flip flops!!!

    1. O NO!!!!! I LOVE BUNNIES!!!!!! When (or IF) you catch them, please do it alive! Then I can have a new pet. XP
