Monday, April 22, 2013

=D Redaer Desuma Eht Rof

 Hello everyone! Due to someone's..."request" I have decided to visit the lovely blog and post a thing or two. What I really want to talk about- really- is this time of year. Allergy season, Spring flowers, the weather warming up, what else you say? STAR tests? Other tests of some sort because it's near the end of the year? The constant frustration to just want to have everything be over and be done with so summer can begin? Truthfully, I think this is a bitter-sweet time of the year. After you trudge your way through the bitterness of tests/stress/etc., you are rewarded with the sweet last days of school and the whole summer to do whatever you want. What are your feelings about this time of year? Do you like it? Hate it? Just.. don't have an opinion on it? I wonder...
This brings us ( or rather... me) to my next topic of .. discussion? Summer. So, do you guys have any plans for the summer? Are you looking forward to it? Or.. (somehow) not looking forward to it? This summer I'm planning on... trying something new? We should all set a goal to try something new! Aha. Yes, that escalated quickly. (kind of. i don't know.. but I've always wanted to say that =DD) Well, I have to go back to do my uncompleted homework. Good luck everyone- through this bitter period, I give you my BLOBB. To help you whenever you just need to *sigh* and just.. take a moment to calm yourself. You can do this. =)



  1. This blob represents how I feel about tonight's math homework.

  2. Can someone tell me what does the title of this post mean??????

    SIGHHHHHHHHH…….I am so clueless!!!!!!!!!!

  3. hehe =P read it backwards.... =)

  4. Wonderful picture. How long does it take to do one ? Do you take commission?
