Saturday, August 31, 2013

Adventure Week

Hello one and all! Sorry about not checking this blog every now and then. To be honest, I just recently remembered it since I was reading some other blogs.

Anyways, this week (starting tomorrow) I'm going to try and go completely vegan. To be vegan means you cannot eat any animal products. Unlike being vegetarian, this requires you to abstain from milk, butter, honey, bread, ice cream, yogurt, cheese, eggs, honey, or anything else that even touched an animal as well as any form of meat!! Ok that part about not eating anything that touched an animal may have been a bit of a stretch but basically you have to eat ALL plants and NO animal products. I'm happy to take you guys along my journey so perhaps you can try a vegan week yourself. If this goes well, I can go for another week, and another, and another...but lets not get ahead of ourselves. Perhaps I cannot survive without ice cream and cheese and butter and meat (I know how much I enjoy meat). Frankly, I eat it everyday, not to mention all the milk products. If you want to try it with me for a few days, I give you a few tips to get you started. Tofu and beans gives you the protein you can no longer get from meat. Leafy greens are a must as well! Personally, I love bean sprouts since they are light and crunchy and go well with anything. And don't forget all the fresh fruits. You can even blend them together for a light smoothie. And instead of sandwiches with bead and meat, try a nice light tofu wrap.

My inspiration for going vegan was to try and get myself to be healthier. Much to the dismay of my friends, eating healthier DOES make you feel better. So take it upon yourself to feed your body the correct foods and you will DEFINITELY feel the difference. Now, eating healthy doesn't automatically mean you'll be healthier (or skinnier as I'm aiming for). You do need to supplement the diet with the proper amount of exercise. Go for a light jog, or even just a long walk to warm up. Do some crunches while watching tv, or pushups on the floor while you're waiting for water to boil. Little things here and there make a difference and I'll be here reporting my findings every step of the way. Until then, let's see if I can survive. Bonne chance!


  1. Are you serious????? Your post kinda shocked me out ;-) The vegan diet sounds HARSH……and I was thinking about asking you to try out that new ice cream store in Town and Country….or that Cream store on University. I guess that is a no no now :-( Okay….good luck with vegan week!

  2. I would ask you to join me but since you're checking out all the ice cream stores maybe another time ;)

  3. Good luck with your experiment. Hope it works out. :)
