Monday, August 15, 2011


Hey!  How is everyone?  We are almost at the end of summer.  What did everyone do?  I went on a short vacation!  :D


  1. I know!! I have yet to enjoy your watermelon flavored honey-stick and theraputic sulfur water. Hey, why does everyone think sulfur smells so bad... I actually wouldn't mind if it was a new air freshener smell.....mmmmmm..... maybe thats just cause I grew up around sulfur (the bay) and travel over th edumbarton bridge quite often. Wait, how did I get from sulfur water to the dumbarton bride.. o well... I have rambled too much.

  2. O about my summer.. I didn't do much at all.. heh heh heh.... o and guess what.. my school starts on the 23rd... awwww.... not the 31st like you guys...wahhh....I wish I could have a few more days to sleep in (but I'm not too sad cause I get out from school on the 7th of June a week before you guys so HA)

  3. You still didn't tell me what you did!
