Wednesday, August 29, 2012


 Hi Everyone! I'm really sorry for not posting in a long time and such. So, here is my post about school. - Or is it? Anyways, in a lot of places school has already started and people are complaining online or fussing about homework or whatnot. Fortunately, we (some of us co-authors) don't have school for another week. Yay? I'm not sure if I should be happy about it, because I'm reallly ExCItEd for school =DD! I'm not completely sure why.. I just am. Is anyone else excited for school/ having fun at school (If yours already started)? Or, is it just me? =P

Okay, for the second part of my post, here it is...MY BLOBBS for the BLOBB Contest.

This BLOBB is my random one. As you can see, it is about colors. But, when you think about it, this can also be my "Important to Me" one because colors are important to me. Right..?

Anyways, this is my second BLOBB. As you can see in the top left corner, this BLOBB is about smiling. Personally, I like the "Colors" one more. Which one do you like better?

So, this brings us to the end of today's post. If you read this post and find that it seems to be a little bit different from my usual posts (e.i. I didn't say ENJOY! or something like that before I showed you my BLOBBS), it is because I'm having a bit of a headache. Or is it dizziness? Nevermind. Okay, BYE!


P.S. I used Dogluver88's tip. Thanks!!  

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Monte Verde

We say goodbye to Arenal as we take a boat to Monte Verde.
So foggy.....
We stayed at Monte Verde Villa.
That night we go on a night hike tour.  Our guide taps on the tree roots and the vibrations draw the Orange-Knee Tarantula.
We didn't see much else but we spot this little butterfly.
That night we ate Paella (spanish rice)
The next day, we take a train into the Monte Verde cloud forest.
Soon, we start traveling into the cloud forest...
We see a lot of ferns and greenery as we go along.
Pretty wildlife.
We go on a hike through the forest before getting back on the train and our guide points out and catches a cricket.
Strange looking plant along the trail...
Near the end of the hike, we see this colorful caterpillar which my sister spotted.
As we head back, we see a lot of fog rolling in.
For lunch, we eat thin crust pizza.  Yummy!
We head to Jardin De Mariposas for a tour of the butterfly gardens.
Before we get our butterfly tour, we meet our guide and she gives us a tour around the "bug room"  Inside, we see these grubs.  Eww... :P 
We see a Hercules Beetle which is holding a banana.  Pretty strong.
She shows us this display of Scarab Beetles.  Pretty shells, don't you think?  And then, finally, it is time for our butterfly tour.
When we walk inside the butterfly gardens, we see this line of butterflies on a tree branch.
We also get to release butterflies.  So pretty :)
We walk around town and we see someone glass blowing and shaping tiny glass figurines.
After looking around town, we go to The Common Cup (a coffee shop) which roasts their own coffee.
We order coffee which has pretty cream designs like this monkey...
...And this pretty butterfly
Sorry this post was so long.  This was what we did in Monte Verde. 

Friday, August 17, 2012


We stayed at Hotel El Silencio.  We decide to walk around and we see this bird and it's nest.
We also spot a goose and her ducklings.  So cute!
We go on a safari rafting tour. 
We slowly paddle along the river.

Along the banks, we spot this crocodile.  Sort of looks like it's smiling, right?

For lunch, we stop at a farm along the river.  We ate plantains, bread, cheese, and pineapple.  Yum!

While we're eating lunch, this cute kitty comes up to us.  Aw......

We walk around the farm and we see this giant turkey.  Doesn't it look huge?

After lunch we go back onto the river and we see a crane.

The last place we visited in Arenal was the hanging bridges.  Unfortunately it was raining that day so there wasn't much to see except for the bridges.
Hi!  Sorry for slacking off for so long.  Here are the pictures for the part of our trip that we spent in Arenal.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

400th Post!!!! Feather Necklace ooooo......

Ok this must be important since it's the 400th post. So. My latest craft!!!!!

So it is what you think it is. A feather necklace. It's low so it's more young and the charms are mishmoshed to give it a hippie feel. What I did what get some wire and wrap it around the feathers and then closed it off with a little ring to string it on the necklace. It's easy and all you need are some needlenose pliers and scissors. Plus, I made alot of charms, so you can put as many or as little as you want on your necklace. It gives it a personal touch. I have a friend of mine requesting a necklace, so I'm gonna make her one. Do you guys think it looks good? I wanted it to look casual so I didn't use metal chain or metal charms. I'm going to wear it next time my outfit needs an overhaul!

YAY! I snagged the 400th post. We've been going a long time huh? Waiting to get the 500th soon! :D

Elkhorn Slough Kayaking

On a breezy summer day, our group (Dogluver, DogluverPapa, DonutBoy and Spongy) set out for an afternoon tour of the Elkhorn Slough by kayak. Elkhorn Slough is one of California's largest protected wetlands and home to an abundance of marine animals, birds and endangered species. After a brief introduction on basic kayaking techniques and capsize maneuvers, our intrepid group hit the water in double kayaks.

Can you spot Dogluver in this picture?

DonutBoy demonstrating the latest in kayaking fashion. Notice the black kayaking apron he wore underneath his life jacket? It is actually a spray skirt with an elastic hem that snapped onto the hatch of the kayak, effectively preventing water from spraying into the vessel.

Dogluver and DogluverPapa's synchronized paddling strokes.

The water was calm. Our paddle strokes were fierce =P It did not take long before we sighted sea lions, otters, seals, egrets, loons, tiny crabs hiding in the many holes along the mudflats etc. etc.. Most frequent sightings - big orange sea nettle jellyfish! I won't be surprise if I ever fell into the water, I would die the death of being stung by a thousand jellies.


Close encounter with a seal.

Trying to take pictures while you're bobbing up and down in a kayak turned out to be harder than I thought. I got many out of focus shots. Here are some of my better captures.

Sea lions resting on a dock.

I had an eventful day and look forward to visiting this beautiful estuary again soon!

Friday, August 3, 2012

One Month Left!!

HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for not checking in for a while... btw great post dogluver! and also great Costa Rica pics pastrygirl!  It seems like everyone has been so productive this past summer, but I sure can't say the same for me. Oh well, atleast there is still one month left! Anyways, going back to the BLOBB CONTEST, we will go with what Dogluver88 said. So, basically, each contestant (or co-author?) will draw two BLOBBS. One will be of your choice and the other will be of a topic of my choosing. (Oh, I feel so special <3) Anyways, after.. 2 weeks? or a month? (I don't know you guys can decide. ) Each person will post their pics and we can have followers judge the contest. (?) Is that okay for everyone? If there are no active followers, than.. WE ALL WIN!  SEE HOW FUN THIS IS!!  Anyways.. ya. There will be no prizes for the winner(s) as I can not think of anything I can give you guys. (and even if I did I don't know how you would get them...)  So.. yea. Any questions, comments, or concerns? Oh, and also we will need to decide on a date when the contest will end. Okay, good with everyone?

Leaving that to discussion for later, the topic your second BLOBB will be on will be....something important in your life. Everyone okay with that? And finally, here is one last super simple BLOBB I have to share with you guys before the BLOBB Contest will begin.  I hope you enjoy.

Moving the whole BLOBB situation aside, what do you guys enjoy doing the most during summer? Going on vacation? Eating lots of fruit? Free time?  I'm not really sure what I enjoy most, but I'm sure atleast one of you know what you like the most. So..comment, would love to hear your responses. ok then..