Friday, August 17, 2012


We stayed at Hotel El Silencio.  We decide to walk around and we see this bird and it's nest.
We also spot a goose and her ducklings.  So cute!
We go on a safari rafting tour. 
We slowly paddle along the river.

Along the banks, we spot this crocodile.  Sort of looks like it's smiling, right?

For lunch, we stop at a farm along the river.  We ate plantains, bread, cheese, and pineapple.  Yum!

While we're eating lunch, this cute kitty comes up to us.  Aw......

We walk around the farm and we see this giant turkey.  Doesn't it look huge?

After lunch we go back onto the river and we see a crane.

The last place we visited in Arenal was the hanging bridges.  Unfortunately it was raining that day so there wasn't much to see except for the bridges.
Hi!  Sorry for slacking off for so long.  Here are the pictures for the part of our trip that we spent in Arenal.


  1. YAY! Great record of all the interesting sights you see in Arenal. Your safari rafting tour reminds me of my slough kayaking trip, except we ain't got no crocodile on our trip!!!! Was it dangerous to get so close to a crocodile during meal time???? He was probably smiling for a reason - lunch on the horizon XP

    1. Do you guys actually know the difference between alligators and crocodiles? Crocs tend to have thin snouts and you can see their bottom teeth. Alligators have broad snouts that look kinda rectangular and you cannnot see their bottom teeth since it fits snuggly in their jaw. That was a good observation identifying it as a crocodile! I love animals! So adorable. I must say, the turkey was CAYUTEEE!!!!!!!!!! So lovable, I want one as a pet. And a crane and a duck. I actually want an entire zoo. My dad is not pleased, as it will take up most of the house. Heh heh :P

  2. The croc does have a sinister smile! Well it's a top predator from eons ago. Is it a motorized raft? Not a canoe? That won't be too safe. The mama goose and the ducklings are cute. Very nice pictures.

  3. We took the tour in a raft, not motorized.
