Friday, August 3, 2012

One Month Left!!

HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for not checking in for a while... btw great post dogluver! and also great Costa Rica pics pastrygirl!  It seems like everyone has been so productive this past summer, but I sure can't say the same for me. Oh well, atleast there is still one month left! Anyways, going back to the BLOBB CONTEST, we will go with what Dogluver88 said. So, basically, each contestant (or co-author?) will draw two BLOBBS. One will be of your choice and the other will be of a topic of my choosing. (Oh, I feel so special <3) Anyways, after.. 2 weeks? or a month? (I don't know you guys can decide. ) Each person will post their pics and we can have followers judge the contest. (?) Is that okay for everyone? If there are no active followers, than.. WE ALL WIN!  SEE HOW FUN THIS IS!!  Anyways.. ya. There will be no prizes for the winner(s) as I can not think of anything I can give you guys. (and even if I did I don't know how you would get them...)  So.. yea. Any questions, comments, or concerns? Oh, and also we will need to decide on a date when the contest will end. Okay, good with everyone?

Leaving that to discussion for later, the topic your second BLOBB will be on will be....something important in your life. Everyone okay with that? And finally, here is one last super simple BLOBB I have to share with you guys before the BLOBB Contest will begin.  I hope you enjoy.

Moving the whole BLOBB situation aside, what do you guys enjoy doing the most during summer? Going on vacation? Eating lots of fruit? Free time?  I'm not really sure what I enjoy most, but I'm sure atleast one of you know what you like the most. So..comment, would love to hear your responses. ok then..



  1. Wow! Cool! I'm so excited for this contest! Thanks for using my idea and the shout out for my last post. Ohhh.. something important in my life... wow. Deep. I'll be thinking hard about that one. My other one will also be a surprise! I'm going to get started right away. (as the overachiever I am.. heh heh)

    My favorite thing this summer.... hmmm. The camps are pretty fun (although I only went to one). Just a little music camp. It was great! I got to hang out with friends and actually met someone in high school who's going to be in my orchestra. How about that? He's a year older than me, but orchestra is for all four years of students. And a viola! Wow. Very coincidental. Anyways, the camp was fun and I learned alot. It just wasn't those camps where you just run around in the sun all day with a soccer ball.

    I also think that the free time is great! I hopeI get enough of it so that by the time school starts, I will not procrastinate.

    WONDERFUL POST JESSMILE!!!! Your blobs never disappoint! :P

  2. BTW. Have you tried scanning in your drawings? That picture above looks like it was a photo. A scan is much easier and you can change the balances better (like saturation, contrast brightness, sharpness, cropping, etc.). Just a little tip. Keep up the wonderful blobs!!!!! :D
