Friday, December 23, 2011


Happy holidays!  Only 2 more days till christmas!  What gifts are you hoping for?  Nothing much has happened so far......  At least I'm finally getting enough sleep....  Maybe I can make something tasty one of these days!  Well yeah, ok.....  Oh yeah, I might visit lake tahoe over break but we are not sure yet....

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Random Sketches

Came across this set of cool sketches on a blog I frequently visit. These sketches of the blog owner, Susie Bubble, by her friend, Amy Smilovic, designer of fashion label Tibi's, are so much fun and exuberant. Just want to share them with all of you. Enjoy!


Hi. Quick question: If someone you don't really know at all asked for your phone number on email AND facebook, and then after you gave it to her, she asked you if you had any long term things you're going to do for winter break, should you be creeped out? Thanks, I was getting kinda weirded out about that.....
Anyways, thanks for all of the suggestions you gave me for my previous posts. I escpecially like spongychesnutcake's third suggestion. =PPP
Today is the first day of winter, so for all the people who has already been complaining about the weather, winter only starts now. I love the winter holidays of giving presents, receiving them, and spending time with your family. Well, yawn, almost 8:00!


Winter Break

Hey all!  Finally winter break woohoo!  Unfortunately, yesterday was rather sad......  My cat got put to sleep.  Well at least she lived a good long life of 17 years.  Thats like 90 something in cat years!  Well yeah, ok.....  So, is anyone planning anything for the next two weeks?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Random Blobs

This post is in response to Dogluver's call for BYOB (Blog your own Blob). Technically speaking, I did not create these blobs. These are chef creations from restaurants I've eaten in. Nonetheless, these blobs end up in my stomach. So in a way, I suppose they are my blobs….. somewhat???? Here we go…..

1) UGLY BLOB - Grilled Eggplant
    In defense of this blob, eggplant is a healthy vegetable (fruit?) rich in dietary fiber and
    a host of vitamins and minerals. It tastes a lot better than it looks. Plus, I love the
    aubergine eggplant color when it is in its raw state.

2) PRETTY BLOB - Hazelnut Mousse Cake
    Hazelnut mousse on top of hazelnut crunch and chocolate sponge cake. What's not
    to like?

3) MINIATURE BLOB - Grilled Sardines
    Hands down the tiniest fishies I've ever eaten. They are not even the size of my 
    pinky. Unfortunately, the price of this dish is inversely proportional to the size 
    of the fish.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Sorry I haven't been bligging recently.... Anyways, I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT TOMOROW IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOOL!!!
Oh wait,I can. It's been a pretty busy week with all the last minute reports and tests (and I have one tomorrow that I have yet to study for D=). Even though it's only 9:00, I feel tired and feeling wierd for school tomorrow. I keep thinking to myself : What will I do over break? What fun things will I do with friends and family? Well, right now I am going crazy over that question, so if you please, comment a thing or two i can do over break (besides going on the blog =P)
Thanks. Well,


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Random Korea

Hello to my fellow bloggers. I'm back from hiatus and want to share some pics from my recent Korean trip!

1) Korean Fall Foliage

2) Korean Palace Guards - As seen on Korean TV soaps :-)

3) Korean Beef - Yes….Donutboy and I ate all that.

4) Korean Ostrich - Well…..we ran into Mr. Ostrich while he was making an escape from his pound on this Korean island…..not sure where he was planning to head to.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Hey did you hear the news?  It turns out if you have a smartphone and you take a pic., post on a social site, peoplez will stalk you!  :o!  Isn't that creepy?  Just one photo and they can find out where you live............  So creepy.....  Anyways, today was an okay day...  We did have our winter concert today though...  BTW  Great job stargazer!  Yeah, kay thats it for now.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I am really tired so far.....  I have to stay up late to work on my proj.  Anyways, today was an okay day.  I ran the mile......  Yeah, so.....  About dogluver's comment on my last post.....  Maybe she is right....  I mean two months is a lot of time isn't it?  At least it is for me....  I am busy but I can at least post once within two months....  Right?  Thats not too much to ask, is it?  I mean...  It dosen't have to be long or anything...  @jessmile you don't mean me by your annoying friend do you?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

History HW

Hi all!  My earlier post is up to anyone's interpertation.  It may be what you think, it may not.  Anyways, I am working on my history proj.  Anyone have info about Song Dynasty?  Ya, the weekends ok for right now......  Nothing really special......  I do have a cold though.  :(  So tired!  At least winter break is comming soon.  Anyone have special plans?  Ok.....  Thats kinda it......


Hi, I just wanted to ask a quick question about pastygirl's post.
What do you mean we should be "weeding" such as posts, comments, or even (gulp) AuTHOrS??!!
Anyways, I'm am not wanting to post anything, but just something i want to say really quick:
Answer this Riddle:

A man rode into town on Friday. He stayed for three days and left on Friday.
How did he do it?
(got the riddle from an iCarly epsiode =PPP)


Thursday, December 8, 2011


Hi all!  Still like 1 1/2 weeks till winter break.  So, earlier, we said that maybe we should add another author.  But maybe, we need to do some weeding on this blog.  To remove comments or something like authors maybe.  But who knows......  What?  I'm not implying ANYTHING or anybody.  *evil smile*  This post is kinda long for me and short for others... but that's ok.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I know its a random title but whatever!  Well, what can I say about the authors that want me to post more.  Don't people think that life is sweet because it is so short?  Anyways today was a spare the air day so we didn't have to run the mile.  Yay!  :)  Okay, thats it for now........  Ya.......

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting for a couple of days.....
@dogluver I finished drawing the blob, but i still need to color it...
Can you wait a week???

@pastrygirl I agree with dogluver, can you blog something that is more than one sentence?
This week I have multiple Friday assignments due, and I am not very happy about that, but strangely, I seem happier (or maybe just more hyper) than usual.
Also, HELP!
Do any of you know any good reading-level-appropriate(my reading level-NOT YOURS!) biographies? Because we have to read at least one biography this quarter, and usually (no offense) I find biographies qutie yeah...

Ok then,...


Monday, December 5, 2011


Hi all!  We just reached the 250 mark!  Yay!  Can't wait till we reach 300!  :)


Okay, so I have decided to post again today but longer this time.  So I just wanted to ask.....  What is Christmas to you?  When I think of Christmas, I think of hot chocolate, snow, and a pine tree.  I heard this girl at school goes caroling...  I have never done that bfore have you?  She waz singing all through math....  Kinda strange.....  Ya, so is anyone else thinking bout Christmas?  Just wondering here.....

So tired!

I'm so tired right now because I stayed up really late working on a project.  :(  Are you tired too?  zzzzz......

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Hi Everyone.

For this weekend, I have basically done nothing else except for read (and finish) two great books. The first book was "Finally" (sorry, i couldn't find the underline button anywhere...It's NOT THAT I DONT KNOW THAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO UNDERLINE BOOKS!! "cough cough") and "You Have to Stop This". Both books were very good, and I would enjoy reading them again; of course, not atleast within 2 weeks ( a new time slot i set for myself) because if i reread it any sooner, i will quickly remember every scene as i read it, and what happened, and such, and then it would just be totally BLECH! (I'm not trying to insult the book, just trying to let out the distress in a word.)

Anyways, based on the title, I have not been researching for my project and such and instead took the pleasure of reading. Although I know i still have atleast 5 hours until I'm going to call quits for the day, I don't feel like doing any work... ok then, sigh.

Well, That's All For Now..


Friday, December 2, 2011


Hey, just stopping in, gotta go do Chinese HW.  Eek!  See ya!  Sorry this was so short!


Hello Everyone. Right now I'm supposed to be vigoursly(I know i spelled that wrong) trying to finish my Chinese Homework, but instead, I'm here on the blog typing, typing, typing.
For my Chinese Project for Foster, my topic is Inventions and Discoveries.
Do you have any advice or tips for this project? Thanks. (mostly aiming at dogluver)

Well, i dont really have much else to say except, today at school there was a dance and a lot of songs were played including one of which has been mentioned before on this blog... so yeah




Thursday, December 1, 2011


Wow!  I can't believe that it is December already.  Has anyone gone christmas shopping yet?  Yeah, dats it for now......


Hello everyone. Sorry, but in the past 1-2 (I'm too lazy to check) days, I haven't been able to start on my blob yet.. To tell you the truth, it's not exactly a blob, it's more like a shape blob...or something like that... You'll see what I mean when I post it.
Anyways, how is everyone doing with their "OH NO, I HAVE TO SPEED UP THE WEEK, I MUST GET TO CHRISTMAS BREAK...NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So yeah... You know, I just realized that Christmas lands on a Sunday this year...
Never noticed that until now..

Well, that's all for nows...


Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Okay, I'm just gonna make a totally random haiku poem.
homework seems endless
have to do it all the time
so many subjects

Okay, that's it....  Yeah.....  Random!

Hi! Back.

Hello everyone, I'm back for another day of blogging.
Yesterday was the restart of my blogging. EVERYONE CLAP FOR ME NOW!!!!!!!!
Ignore that last part, I was just kidding. =P
Anyways, today at school recieves an :OK-Good-ish rating.
It was normal school, and usually normal school is always an "OK" rating.
Anyways, in 6th period Art, we had a sub. The sub wasn't really strict and some students called her "the best sub ever". She let us talk quite a bit. But the main reason why the students liked her so much because she was funny. She told us a funny story (which by now i have forgotten) and also talked to us. Kind of un-teacher like.
Like, someone asked us her race, and a couple people shouted out guesses. In the end, she said she was Indian, but have been said to look Russian, Mexican, Afghan, and a couple others.
And that's all I'm going to talk about that topic... O.o

Anyways, I'm excited to take on Dogluver's challenge with the art thing, but of course, I have claimed to draw an ugly blob, but still, a blob is a blob, and that is still considered contributing. So, when I find time, I'll get started on my blob and hope you like it when it comes out!


Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been on the blog recently, and I know some authors "hint hint" have been bugging me a lot about not going on, and I'm sorry...
Please, (if you may) excuse the title for this post. I know it sounds kinda weird, and I only named it that because I thought it would kind of "Lighten" the mood around here...

Anyways, Thankgiving has passed and so has Black Friday AND Cyber Monday. Wow! Busy week. Did anyone buy anything cool, exciting, Awesome? And does anyone have any great memories they would like to share? Comment away! (I kinda sounded like a teacher back there..O.o)

Anyways, I bought some items of interest. I bought the game Pictionary, except it's a deck of cards, and you don't have to draw ANYTHING! (great for a person like Me, who always draws something that others mistaken for a blob, and NOT a very pretty blob thank you very much!)
Back to the game, it's basically charades with props, and using the picture cards, you can act things out, and you can also combine cards the create other pictures. (combine as in kind of overlapping two cards so that the picture includes a part of each of the original pictures.)

So... Yeah.




Monday, November 28, 2011

New Author

Hi all!  I wanted to say that we may have a new author joining us.  She is a friend of me, stargazer, and jessmile.  She is into arts and crafts and would like to post some projects on the blog.  Also, @dogluver she said that she liked your drawings.  So, I would like to ask everyone if they agree to her joining the blog.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Almost Over

Thanksgiving break is almost over......  So sad....  :(  Well here comes school again.....

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving for me

Well, I know I skipped again....  Oops!  So little people posting!  :(  Well anyways, for thanksgiving, I went over to my grandma's house.  We had turkey, cranberry sauce, ribs, cider, gravy, and apple-cranberry-pinapple-persimmon cobbler.  Yum!    Well... Happy black friday!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


What kind of holiday cookies do you like to eat?  Just curious......  I like shortbread.  :)  Sorry that I skipped a day......

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thanksgiving break

IM REALLLLY SORRY i havent posted in like a long time...... so anyways..... what are you going to do during thanks giving? Im going to the movies, stay at home doing BORING school work and the best of all going shopping on black friday...!!!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Did you know?

Just curious, did you know that dark chocolate is good for your skin?  Okay, thats it....

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Just curious, what is your favorite thing to eat on Thanksgiving?  I like the turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Hiya!  I have a snack recipe!  It's not that great but its yummy!  First you take a banana and slice it into pieces.  Then, take some marshmellows and melt them in the microwave.  Take a gram cracker and spread the marshmellow on it.  Put some banana pieces on the cracker and cover it.  It should now look like a sandwich or smore.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I'm following dogluver's suggestion about reviews.  I shall review uhhh........ shoes!  Well not brands but the type of shoes.  This time of year, lots of people are wearing boots!  I have a pair too!  However, I also just like wearing my sneakers but flats aren't bad either...  Okay that was terrible....  Sad!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Hi everyone! So sorry that I haven't been on in a long while. And sorry to Dogluver for me leaving you alone on the blog. Like I said, I think we need a new era, because without it, we don't really have a reason to log on and check. I propose a new era. And we should storm up ideas, I believe. Comment ideas you have, and then aftewards we can vote. Ok, get thinking!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Bday!

Happy birthday dogluver!  This is from all the other authors too!  Hope you get lots of presents!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Hi all!  We recently bought a cake pop machine and we are still experimenting......  I will try to post the recipe soon.  Oh, I need to go back to watching the cake pops.  Wish me luck!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Hello everyone! I've noticed that most of us have been pretty unresponsive lately.
Anyways, what calms YOU down? For example, in one of my early posts on this blog, I had a topic about anger. Well, think back to it. Ok, so what if that happened to you?(or really anything that gets you mad) How would you calm yourself down? Or could you even get to that point?
Anyways, back to the point, what would you do? Count to ten? Punch a pillow? Scream? Listen to music? Comment you responses...


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011


Ok, I decided to make a story thing kinda like Jessmile.  So here goes.
    The young girl looked around the clearing.  She hoped that no one had followed her.  She dropped the stick she had been using as a weapon the last few miles.  The girl felt her forehead and she knew that she was getting sick.  She could not keep sleeping in bushes.  She took out the torn and crumpled map and looked at it.   It was only a few more miles.  The girl panted not sure if she could make it.  Then a man burst through the trees.  He smiled and said,"We have found you."


Just curious, how do you think cute is measured?  I mean this is totally random but like it just came to mind when I was daydreaming....  Ya, so what do you think?  I just wanted to know.....  I think that cuteness might be measured in cutawatts.  Maybe a puppy is 20 cutawatts.....  Whatever ok, I'm just kinda bored.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Liar (or something)

Hi everyone! I'm back to posting because pastrygirl finally understood my last post (at least i thought so) Anyways, this is a random thing i just thought of. it might have no beginning, middle, or end, but whatever.

A liar stalks the shadows. In his grubby hands holds the very existance of the castle- a letter and a lime. You probably think that a letter and a lime could hold nothing more than reading material and a very sour treat,but you are wrong. In the very hands of the disgustingly sweaty palms, held the power of the possessers.
The liar sat on the earthy ground with a frown on his face. He clearly thought that he had brought the ancient Book of Truths with him, but perhaps he had dropped it on the road to Wabredt, the village 20 kilometers east of where he now sat, exhausted from the 20 day journey he had faced across the rocky land of Sactran. Now the liar lied on his back, closing his eyes for a brief moment. Then, he heard a gentle shaking from a bush 10 meters away from him. The liar slowly moved to reach the hilt of his dagger. It was coming.

so... yeah, hoped you enjoyed it-ish

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Update on glitch

Hi!  I tried to comment/watch a video but failed.  Again.  :(  I did some research and found out that this site is working on fixing the glitch!  Yay!  Anyways, did you here about the site called pottermore?  It's a site with a game based on the Harry Potter series.  The author, J.K. Rowling created it.  They say that registration for the site will be available at the end on October.  I think it will be worth checking out.  Well, that's all I wanted to say.  I hope to be able to comment again soon! 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Hi!  Sorry I haven't been commenting but there is some sort of glitch because I cannot read comments or write any.  I'll try to fix this!  Sorry!

Monday, October 10, 2011


Hi everyone. Have you ever felt like there aren't enough hours in a day? Well, think about it. From the time you get an assignment that's due the next day, you have 24 hours to do. What can you do in an hour? Well, you can read a book (length of book based on how fast you read). Now, take that into account. So, you can read 24 books in a day. That's a lot of books, but of course, you have to sleep. So subtract the goody goody sleep time for children which is 10-11 hours of sleep. Let's take 10. Ok, so 24-10=14. You can read 14 books per day. Is that a lot, or WHAT! There are 7 days in a week, so 14x7=98 books. YES, ALMOST A HUNDRED BOOKS!!!!!! I just thought it would be nice to consider how much time we have, and how much time we actually use , and how much time we waste. For a person who watches TV for 3 hours, or playing computer for 5 hours, you're all decreasing the amount of books you could be reading; the amount productivity that you can do in a day. Think about it.
ONE day= 14 books.
14 HOURS of things to do.
Don't waste it(although I sometimes do.)

Book Report

I am going to do a book report soon and I dont know what book to do it on..... If you guys have any suggestions, please comment.. thanks! =D

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fall Is Here

So..Hi people.
It's fall/winter weather right now..-ish. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating, but whatever.
Anyways, the blog has been kind of silently lately, which kind of contrasts to dogluver's vidoes...but you get the point.
As I've said in one of my last couple posts, WE NEED A NEW ERA, AND FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, I would like you guys to comment on this post if you have any new ideas for a new era.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Hi!  Sorry I haven't been on for a long time!  I am trying to post something but every time I get interrupted!  Anyways, happy October!  Anyone going to trick or treat?  Thankyou to Jessmile and Dogluver for keeping this blog alive!  Random question: What is one of your fav. smells?  Note: Can be a combo.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

My First Attempt

Ok, So I've decided to do my first post on an item. It's not really needed in terms of practical use, but whatever.

Today's Item: Sparkly Headband

Here lies a sparkly brown headband with a simple bow, decoratively placed . The headband seems to sparkle in the nearby light, reflecting the gentle beam that glances on it. The table of which it is on flashes at us with a ball of light. The shape of the headband gracefully arches in a simple manner to caress your head when you put it on. Although it might be a bit tight, the headband will adapt itself to meet your standards of your head size. Lying gently, there lies a sparkly bow headband.

So, what do you guys think? Ok, to tell you the truth, I bet you all think it's pretty stupid; like why would you write about something that no one cares about. Well,i think it's stupid too. But, in my defense, no one else besides dogluver was posting. Well, i hope you all enjoyed my stupid writing.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

THE Blog

This post is mainly about all the nothingness that has been happening to our blog (Except for dogluver's musical vids).
So, I think we need a new era for our blog, and i say we need it fast!
Everytime i go to this blog, hoping for something new, fun, creative. Instead, i look at the blog and all i see are dogluver's vids! (not that that's a bad thing)(thx anyways)
So, are we going to pick up on this new era, or our we going to float about for a couple of weeks watching dogluver's vids? Your choice

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Congratulations to Dogluver for winning my "Hidden Contest" post.
The runner up is Pastrygirl with a close second.
Now, here is my post, dedicated to you.


Ok, first joke:
One day a girl asked her parents why her name was Rose.
Her parents said that when she was born a rose petal fell on her head.
Another girl asked why her name was Daisy.
Her parents said that when she was born a daisy petal fell on her head.
The third girl said "SGNJHWPEUOGHWEUG!"
Her parents said,"SHUT UP CINDERBLOCK!"
(get it? i know it's kinda weird)

Next, good news:
I went to SLO today and saw my bro. It was nice. We ate lunch there, and then we left.
Nice and tiring day.

Finally, random acts of kindness:
errmmm I'll have to get back to you on that....

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New Idea

Hello again! Currently there is some silence on the blog about what we are going to do after the contest era. Well, I propose that we direct this next era of our blog towards descriptive articles of practical items. I know it sounds like a pretty stupid idea, but hey, I thought of this idea while looking at a pencil! I just wanted to give a suggestion about the new era(I know it seems weird that I'm calling them eras)so..yeah. Also, my new definition for is:era-noun- a period of time of which a certain category, subject is discussed, blogged about

Monday, September 19, 2011


Heyy guys!
I need some advice on whether or not I should go on six hour round trip drive to visit my bro in college, and for my parents to do some stuff there.One day, wake up at 5 AM. What do you guys think? Worth the trip?

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Sorry guys I havent posted in a while........ I still cant comment though...... anyways.... @ jess smile...... hey.. it is not my fault that I dont like JB or any of his songs (well it kinda my fault but still).... I agree with dogluver that the weather is a bit chilly.. I was shivering during PE on Friday. So if we are not dong contests, what are we doing then?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Hidden Contests

WE are currently in contest mode right now, and everyone is having fun (hopefully) with everyone else's contests. Well, here's a little break from that. The reason why I'm posting is to have a break from contests. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but don't you think we should all just take a nice nap and........(snore snore)

Ah, ok, I've woken up again. Hey! How come my clothes are so itchy? Why do I have this big floppy hat? WHERE AM I??!!!

Answer these 3 questions, and the most creative answers will win a special post from me to you on the blog!!

(I know it's a lame prize, but that's all I got right now....I'm still hoping someone will answer my contest fever post. =PPPPPPP)

Second Contest

Hi all!  New contest. 
1.What is cane sugar made from?
2.Are bananas radioactive?
3.Solve this riddle:
 I can be different colors
the more I am used the shorter my life
I am commonly used for many things
I am thin and cannot be easily erased

Movie Trivia

Hi everyone! Sorry for posting about that (cough cough) CERTAIN singer, but I just felt like I had to. I was, how should I say this..., in the Bieber Fever moment. Anyways, now, I'm still going to contests, because I think it's really fun to see what you guys answer. So, without firther ado, let my contest, BEGIN! (FYI There is no JB in this contest.)

THEME: MOVIES (one of my personal fav hobbies)

1. This movie an actor from Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. In the movie, a man finds himself on a mission. When he realizes who he is, he later finds out that he is dead. His mission is to find out the bomber of a train. Living someone else's life for 8 minutes, he tries to figure out who the bomber is.
What is this movie?

2.This movie has an actor from Chuck. A girl is locked inside a tower, where she has lived ever since she remembered. Her room is filled with paintings, and fills her day with repititive hobbies. One day a thief climbs the tower and tries to hide himself there. Soon after, they set off on a journey together.
What is this movie?

3.Based on a cartoon, this movie combines the four elements. The main charcter is the last of his kind, and he is the protecter of the people, but after being away for a long time, chaos has reigned.
What is this movie?

4.This movie came with a smelling wonder when you watched it.Two kids set off on a mission to stop time from ending. They just realized that their stepmother was a spy, and has been keeping it from them. Soon they try to escape containment while the world needs them. With a talking robotic dog, they make their way to victory, with "The Boy Lost in Time."
What is this movie?

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Hey everyone! We are currently in contest fever, as Spongy Chesnut Cake had said.
And's time for everyone to get some..yes, you guessed it,
I bet you are all thinking it's gross and whatever, but no one is forcing you to join.
Anyways, let the questions, BEGIN!

1.What JB song are these lyrics from?"I can't swim on my own, it's too much, feels like I'm drowning without your love."

2.What song did JB sing with Sean Kingston?

3.What is JB's most popular song?

4.Which JB music video has the chinese word "ai" in it?

5.What is your favorite JB song, and tell me why it is your favorite.

JB=Justin Bieber

A prize is ensured (sorry if it's a really bad prize)well, good luck, have fun!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Yet another contest

Hi! I thought I might want to join in the fun, so yeah...I can't guarntee a prize, so yeah...

1.Emily's father had five daughters.
His first daughter was named Maggy.
His second daughter was named Meggy.
His third daughter was named Miggy.
His fourth daughter was named Moggy.
What was the name of the fifth daughter?

2. A butcher has a height of 5"7 .
What does he weigh?

3. A man was in court trial. The judge said,"I'll give you a chance to say one statement. If it is true, you will only be sentenced to 4 years of prison. If it is false, you will be sentenced to 6 years of prison." After the guilty man said his statement, the judge let him go.
What did the man say?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Hi everyone!  Well, I have personal Qs for you.  The person who gets all of them right before 7:30 PM on september 16 will not get a prize.  Sorry!  But they do get applause from all of us!  The last one does not count but please answer it anyways!
1. What do I have for a pet?
2. What is my fav. thing to do?
3. What is my fav. color?
4. What does this mean?


Congrats to spongeychesnutcake for snagging our 150th post!  Halfway to 300!  Yay!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Random Contest

Since we are on the topic of contest, how about the following?

See who can correctly spell out the full name of these letter brands or companies? The first one to post all five correct answers in his/her comment gets a mystery prize!

  1. H&M - A popular clothing retailer with over 200 stores in the U.S. and headquartered in Sweden.
  2. B&O - A Danish company renowned for its quality audio, video and multimedia products.
  3. P&G - A Fortune 500 American multinational that manufactured a wide range of consumer products such as Tide, Crest and Pringles.
  4. M&M - Brand name for the chocolate candy pellets with colorful hard shells.
  5. A&F - An American clothier known for its casual wear for a youthful clientele and its provocative advertising campaigns.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

First few days at school...

OMG.. I still cant believe Im in jr. high already....Anyways for Jesssmile idk about the contest...It does not matter for me. the first day of school was kinda crazy though... everyone was running around and stuff... @ dogluver... which pe teacher did you have?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hello Again!

Sorry Dogluver for not posting a while.....
Anyways, I have just realized how fun it would be if all of the cowriters held a contest for..the uh..cough cough..cowriters. Like, we can have the contest for best post or best drawing or best music from youtube or something, and have the followers vote.
I don't know, it was just a random idea that formed miraculously into my head. Cowriters comment on your thoughts plz

Monday, August 29, 2011

Grand Canyon Pics

Hi!  More pics again!  Did you see these places on your vacation, stargazer?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

More pic from Grand Canyon

A view of the river!

Grand canyon pics.

Picture of grand canyon!!

Summer Almost Ending...=(

Summer flew by pretty quickly..cuz only a few more days till school.I am going to miss is dont you agree? sorry i havent posted in a while.. still trying to load pics..... having a problem though..but just wait.BTW for some reason i cant comment on post... what do you think happened? So @dogluver88, I love your amime drawings!!!! they are so cool and cute. @ pastrygirl, those pretzels look so yummy!!!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Busy Day

Well today I was planning on cleaning the house today and cleaning up my room and stuff,
do some workbook thing or what-not, and do some arts and crafts. But instead, I ended up being glued on the computer for the whole day. From 8 to 3 I've been watching episode after episode of youtube videos, and if you think that wasn't enough, i think i want to go watch some more right now. Uhg, I need to get rid of this addiction before school starts.
Anyways, here's a question for all of you to answer: What has been your most prized memory?
It's just a random question to -well seriously, it's just a random question so...yeah.
Well, that's all for now!



Do you have any suggestions to what I should bake next?  I might not have time to do all of them but I'll do my best.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Hi guys!

Hey everyone!
Sorry but I haven't been on the blog for a while....
Anyways, I've been looking at all the great stuff you guys posted, but I got too lazy after about 5 posts, so sorry!
New topic, MOVIES! There are a lot of new movies coming out today!
You have your Conan: The Barbarian (rated R), and I'm sure there's a lot of fighting in it...(cough cough)
Also, you have Amigo, which i have no idea what it's about (also rated R).
Anyways, PG movies!
We have Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World, with original Spy Kids, Junie and Carmen! (rated PG)
And finally, I'm going to mention Glee: the 3D Concert Movie, and I'm pretty sure that there is some singing in it... (rated PG)

Well, that raps up my movie-review, which is the first I've done...
Comment on it, thanks!
P.S. I personally think that it's really weird.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Random Outings

I want to share some pics from my recent Sunday outings:

1) Big Basin State Beach

Silly Question:
Why are there so many para-sailors and windsurfers on this beach?

Obvious Answer:
Because it is very very very very WINDY!!!!!

2) Pigeon Point Light House

Random Question:
Why is this light house not in use anymore?

Smart Answer:
Because ships are now using GPS.

3) China Camp State Park

Sad Question:
Why is this State Park Closing?

Sadder Answer:
Because our state budget is running out of funds to keep it open.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Hey!  I went to a summer camp and got this pretzel recipe.  Hope you enjoy!

Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups warm water (105-115 degrees)
                     2 packages active dry yeast
                     1 1/2 tsp. salt
                     1/4 cup vegetable oil
                     4- 4 1/2 cups all purpose flour
                     1 egg white
                     1Tbsp. cold water
 Directions: Put the warm water into a large bowl and sprinkle in yeast.  Stir until dissolved.  Add sugar, salt, oil, and 3 cups flour.  Gradually add the rest of the flour to make a soft dough.  Knead dough by hand for 10 minutes until it is smooth and feels elastic.  Cover  bowl with a dry cloth and let it rest for 30 minutes.  Divide dough into 24 pieces and let it rest for 5 minutes.  To make a pretzel shape, form it into a long rope, bring the ends upward, twist the ends together once, and pressing them on the bottom curve.  Place on baking sheets.  Beat egg white and cold water together and brush the mixture on the pretzels and sprinkle on cinnamon and sugar.  Bake in 425 degree oven for 12-15 minutes.  Remove from baking sheets to wire rack to cool.  Enjoy!
Note: If you want salt on the pretzels, sprinkle on kosher salt instead of cinnamon.


Hey!  How is everyone?  We are almost at the end of summer.  What did everyone do?  I went on a short vacation!  :D

Monday, August 8, 2011

Grand Canyon

I went to Grand Canyon on July 30. It was so cool!!! Going to post pics later!

More pics.

Hi! These pictures were taken a few years ago by the same friend who took the flower pictures.  Did you like them?


Hey guys, these are my drawings. I worked REALLY hard on them and I hope you like them. I won't ramble on, I'll just let my drawings speak for themselves. REMEMBER TO POST YOUR OWN ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I won't be alone... O PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!! I wanna know how I did...... and give me some suggestions on what to draw next....
This one is most recent (Today) 20 minutes... eh..average

This one was my first (from a youtube video...heh heh) 15 minutes...psshhh easy

This one was my first one copied from the web (full backgrond included) 1 hour...whew

This one is based on the blue haired girl with a purple dress that pastrygirl's sister wanted me to draw. 40 minutes....the hair took a while :D

P.S Also tell me which is your favorite one...... Mine is the third one (the one with a background and a feather boa)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Wow, it's August now!  Only a month till school starts.  Whoa!  Didn't time just fly?  Also, we have a new follower here on the blog.  That person also happens to be the one who sent me the flower pics!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


A friend who likes photography sent me these pictures.  I hope you like them!

Monday, July 25, 2011

design change

I hope you like the design.  I think its cute and I hope you do too!


Well, since I cannot always be baking or posting recipes.  I decided to maybe do restaurant reviews just to keep the blog lively.  Spongeychesnutcake and I are trying hard to keep it alive.  Plz post!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Hey!  Where is everyone?  I watched Harry Potter Book 7 Part 2!  I had to wait in line but it was awesome!  I watched it on Friday!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


I'm going to go swimming tomorrow!  Yay!  I hope I don't get bitten by the water wasps.  :(  By the way, good luck on your butterfly, Donut Boy!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bug Alert

Dogluver found some uninvited guests in my swimming pool yesterday. Upon some research on the internet, Dogluver concluded these bugs are backswimmers, or what is more commonly known as water wasps.

Some disturbing characteristics of these nasty guests:
1. They fly, and therefore, can come and go as they want.
2. They have air pockets which enable them to lie submerged in water for a long time.
3. They swim around on their backs and propel themselves in water with their long hind legs. Their backstroke is faster than my freestyle!
4. They BITE!

Donut Boy and I are running crazy just trying to catch and exterminate every single one of them in the pool. HELP!!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hi Again!

Hi everyone, sorry it's been a long time since I've last posted. What's new...

I guess there's a lot that's new. I mean, I won't be able to see my mom for a while, I'm going to Junior High next year...So I guess a lot is going to be new...

Anyways, I'm going to have a review on....FOOD ERASERS! (totally random)


Food erasers are tradeable, breakable, seperatable (idk if that's a word..), and just fun to play with. I LOVE to collect food erasers as a hobby. What do YOU think about food erasers?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hello Kitty Rice Krispies Treats

  Hey all!  Plz follow the recipe on the box for rice krispy treats.  Like me, you can cut down on butter and marshmellows.  I made it into hello kitty shape.    After you stir the ingredients together,  take small amounts of the mixture and turn it into a hello kitty shape.  Put red or orange M and Ms as a bow on the ear.  Use two brown M and Ms for eyes.  Use a yellow M and M for the nose.  Done! 
Tips: You will want to do the shaping fast.  If it cools, the job is much harder. So you might want to cut the recipes in two batches, each time using half of the ingredients. I got this idea from:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


What have you all been doing during summer? I have been swimming and will go to some camps....... One event I am going to look for is going camping with my parents and their friends...... Going to live in the wild for 4 days!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Random Blooms

Congrats to Dogluver for snagging our 100th post! Let's see who can snag the 1,000th post! Here's another random blog on absolutely nothing important for the day. See if you can name these flowers that are blooming in my yard. Answer at the end of the post.






(A) Hibiscus
(B) Kangaroo Paws
(C) Hot Lips
(D) Mini Roses
(E) Bougainvillea

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Hi All!  It is rumored that tapioca express fruit juices and tea may be poisonous.  Plz be careful!  Also, it's summer and there is still no one posting!  Grrr..........  I will post a recipe later on......

Sunday, June 12, 2011


OMG!  Congrats to dogluver cuz you wrote our hundreth post.  Wow!  Isn't that amazing!  Hey..... no one has been posting much.  Face it, you haven't!  Ahhhh!!!!!!!  Who's going to keep this blog alive.  Is it going to go like completely silent like other blogs?  I hope not, I'm so worried.  Stargazer, Jessmile, and Spongeychesnutcake, please post!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tapioca Drink

Hi all!  Here is a recipe for tapioca with watermelon and strawberry juice!
   Tapioca (The dry kind):  Pour out as much tapioca as you want.  Pour the tapioca into boiling water.  The water should be six times the amount of the pearls.  Stir and cover the pot.  Cook for 20 minutes with medium heat.  Turn off the heat and leave the pot alone for 30 minutes.  Strain the tapioca and cool it with cold water.  Add some sugar and set aside.

Juice:  Take some watermelon and frozen strawberries and blend them.  After a while, add ice and blend until smooth.  Pour into cups,  add tapioca and serve.  Enjoy!

Also, you can experiment with other juices!  Good luck!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Heyy! Jessmile's back in business!
Sorry for not posting for a long time....
Anyways, HIII!
Our class has this REALLY thick Rome packet due this coming Tuesday, and I barely even did half of it!!! I need some help.
Also, ALGEBRA TeSt!!!!
Study, study, study, trying to get a chance of a lifetime (oh, maybe not that huge.)
Is it worth it? Maybe...
Finally, PROMOTION!!!!!!!!!
I'm soo excited for promotion! Going to pick out a dress tonight..
Anyways, CAN'T WAIT!!!!
I'll post again soon....


Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hi!  The results from my survey are: 2 votes for muffins and 1 vote for cupcakes.  The blog is so quiet.....

Saturday, May 21, 2011


It is almost promotion and I dont know what to wear!!! what do you think matches with black flats?????

Friday, May 20, 2011


I have decided to change the blog design!  Hope you like it!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hi!  Do you want me to change the design of the blog?

Muffins and Cupcakes

Hi everyone!  I have a question for you.  Muffins or cupcakes?  On May 21st I will count the votes.  BTW, I vote muffins!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

World Wide Wedding overdone by Osama's death?

On the news tonight, they news crew reported that Osama Bin Laden, leader of Al Kaida (sp?) has been killed by an American. It is said that he was captured and killed. Not to long ago however, the world wide wedding had taken place, and many viewers tuned in to watch.
On contrast, the news of the death has interrupted many usual local shows for the special report. Do you think that the death has outdone the wonderful wedding' no matter how beautiful it was? What's your opinion?

Just Smile

Thursday, April 28, 2011

World Wide Wedding

On the news,they have been talking about Kate and Prince William's wedding. I am so excited and I wish them the best.However, their wedding at 10:00 A.M. (I think and in British time) and for us it will be 4:00 A.M. I better sleep early so I can watch it! XD

Spring Break: The Ending

Hey fellow co-authors and followers, Spring Break has been pretty good. I wonder what would happen if there was another week of Spring break.... Anyways, on one of the days this week, I went to Gamestop and looked at the DS games. I saw '"What's Cooking?" Jamie Oliver' game for only 5 bucks. I guess a lot of people didn't want that game. Anyways, I got the game and have been playing it for the past couple games. It's basically the same thing as Cooking Mama - you cook recipes. The cool thing though is that you can cook independently and make your own food and save it.
Anyways, I haven't been writing a lot during most of Spring break, and so when I started to write something yesterday, my writing looked different from before. I don't know if it looks prettier or uglier....

and remember, Just Smile!!

Spring Break

This is kind of a boring spring break........... I have been doing star test stuff(very hard)and going to doctor's appointments........ On Tuesday, I went to the orthodontics(sp?)and they said I might need braces when I am older...... How is your sping break so far?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rotten Eggs

These were Easter Eggs from Sunday's egg hunt. We started with 42, but only 39 were subsequently found. Unless the squirrels took them....the missing ones are rotting in dogluver's backyard!

Ice Cream

Hi everybody!  I made strawberry banana ice cream!  This recipe is made for vita mix blender so it may not be 100% accurate for other blenders!

Ingredients: 1 cup milk
                    1 pound unsweetened strawberries
                    1 frozen banana
                    1/4 cup sugar
                    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

 First, place all the ingredients inside blender.  Put on the lid and begin to blend at a slow speed and slowly increase speed.  When on high press ingredients down toward blade.  Not using hands!  In 30-60 seconds the sound of the motor should change and there should be four mounds in the mixture.  If it is not thick enough put in a cup of ice cubes and process until smooth.  Do not overmix or melting will occur.  Hope you enjoy this!


I participated in a egg hunt on Sunday!  Yay!  It was pretty fun!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Spring Break (So far...)

So far my break has been ok... I'm in LA!! I've been watching a lot of TV today, and watched a movie (The Incredibles.) Tomorrow, I MIGHT cut my hair... My mom says it's too thick. Anyways, tomorrow is Easter!! Is anyone doing anything special?? I've been too lazy to do any homework, but I'm planning on doing some later...At least I've been reading a book right?
Try to post back soon!!! and remember, JUST SMILE! =)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Hiya!  Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  Too busy smuggling penguins out of Antarctica. JK LOL!  Anyway, it's almost spring break!  I hope I have time to bake and post more recipes!  Anyway, happy early Easter!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Field Trip

Tomorrow we have a field trip! I'm soo excited! Besides that, I'm not sure what to post. It seems like a lot of the co-authors didn't check back in to post or something, or they just decided to not post anything. (Question relating to that subject) Where is everyone?! I hope you guys start posting SOMETHING soon because I feel lonely with my boring posts....

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Heyy everyone, did you notice that there is a new follower? yay! I wonder who she is...although I do have a friend named Jessica....

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Fool's Day

On April Fool's Day,I went to violin class.......... The helpers were suppose to tune us to the right note......... Our whole orchestra played very badly and the teacher asked why. We were so puzzeled and did not under stand why......... sudden ly our teacher yelled out: Happy April Fool's Day!!!! Iknew we got tricked.The helper tuned our violins/violas/cellos to A miner in stead of just A. how did you get tricked on April Fools Day?

Friday, April 1, 2011


This is my post about- you guessed it, I Don't Know!! Seriously, I have no idea what to post, so this is my post! Like my idea? I need to finish some H/W later tonight so byeeeee. (also, what is your favorite type of sport?)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Day

After school I had class and so I went there. Then after that I went home and baked cookies! (from a box of pre-made cookie mix flour thingy) Then I ate dinner and NOW I'm starting my homework. LOL I need to hurry up >.<

My Sister

Hello all!  I decided to compose a poem about how evil my sister is.  I've got scratches to prove it!
She is extremely evil
Almost midieval (sp?)
She ruins my life

Once threatened me with a knife

What do think?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


When someone makes fun of you about who or what you are, doesn't your hatred build up? You tell them to stop, but they just keep on tormenting you until you explode with hatred and anger. Then, you do what is in human nature- violence. You feel like giving them a piece of your mind, a portion of what they made you feel; but through violence. You can't help but give them a taste, but sometimes it has its disadvantages. The person who provoked you may have a weapon to use against you. A scissor, or some blackmailing. All you can do is sit tight and wait to see what they do; but so are they. You scream your head off, and scream to the authority. FINALLY, they leave, but it is not over. They come back when the coast is clear and throw more insults and lies about you- that's what I hate the most, the lies. Finally, finally when they have to do their homework, they leave and silently do their homework. After the incident, you feel as if a huge weight is lifted off your shoulders, but think again; they might come back again.

That's what happened today. They made fun of me, provoked me, and told lies, or jumped to conclusions which were lies. Anyways, don't worry, this BULLY isn't from school, so don't panick. Also, if you've read the whole thing through, you might have realized that I didn't indicate gender, or who it was. And i'm not planning on telling. so, thanks for reading my post, and I feel a WHOLE lot better after posting this. BTW, I didn't actually hurt anyone, just really felt like it...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Report Cards

Hi all!!!! For our school it is......REPORT CARDS!!!!! I am so scared!!! Well,good luck to you all!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


OMG!  There is actually someone following our blog!  Everybody stand up and begin partying!  JK  Thankyou donut boy


Sorry for not being on a lot..keep forgetting..
IDK what to blog about....although I know it's supposed to be about 'random thoughts'
there are just too many right now.. You know what I mean?
Also, by the way, have you heard the song E.T. by Katy Perry?
I think it's kinda wierd......

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I like mostly chocolate chip cookies and oatmeal. Chocolate chip has a nice smooth and rich chocolate taste plus a chewy feeling. Oatmeal cookies are old fasioned but inside is very yummy!What is your favorite cookie(s)?

Boring Saturday

Hi all!Have not been on the blog for a long time cuz myteacher has been giving uslots of homework.Anyways,today was on e of those usual boring saturdays.However when I woke up from my nap, I had a little fever.My mom told me to drink lots of water.........What do you usually do on Saturdays?

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Make my recipes plz!  At least try making one over a nonbusy weekend!  Please!  I did my cookies on a weekday for a bake sale to raise money for March of Dimes.  They sold out! Yay!  However, do not do this on a weekday if you want to nap cuz I missed mine.  Sad, right.  Everybody loves sleep but the baking was worth it.  Just ask stargazer and jessmile.

Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Cookie with milk.  I used some green m and m's cuz it is St. Patrick day!

  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter
  • 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons white sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons instant espresso coffee powder
  • 1 1/2 cups semisweet chocolate chips


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Grease a cookie sheet.
  2. In a medium bowl, cream together the butter, brown sugar and white sugar until smooth. Beat in the egg and vanilla. Sift together the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and espresso powder; stir into the creamed mixture. Finally, stir in the chocolate chips.
  3. Drop dough by heaping tablespoonfuls onto the prepared baking sheet. Cookies should be 1 1/2 to 2 inches apart.
  4. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven. For crispier cookies, bake 2 minutes longer. Remove from baking sheets to cool on wire racks. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Deep Fried Cod (Part II)

OK OK.....the previous post is not really too helpful in preparing deep fried here's some real tips for executing this dish as advised to me by pastry girl:

1. Season cod fillet with salt and pepper, cut into 2 inch bite size pieces;
2. Coat the cod fillet in flour;
3. Dip the coated cod fillet into a bowl of egg wash;
4. After the egg wash, coat the cod fillet again with panko flakes;
5. Deep fry in oil until golden brown, approximately 3 min.

Remember this recipe involves hot oil, so adult supervision is a must. Have fun and bon appetit!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Deep Fried Cod

Here's some tips for easy deep fried cod as advised to me by dogluver88:

1. Rent a boat, go fishing, hope to catch a cod with no mercury poisoning. If failed....then go to Safeway, Raleys, Ranch 99 or if totally desparate...go to the hobo on the corner of the street.

2. Behead fish, scale fish, remove guts until fish is totally unresponsive and cut into little cubes.

3. Deep fry cod in anyway possible.

4. Serve it up to annoying people.

5. Check pulse to see if still alive (I mean the people).

Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Recipe

Hi all! I have a hot chocolate recipe that I have not tested out yet but when I get the chance I will post the recipe and possibly a picture. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

brownies part two

1.Adjust oven to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees.  Line an 8-inch square metal baking pan with foil lightly coated with vegetable oil spray.
2.Mix flour and baking powder together.  Set aside.
3.In another bowl, mix cocoa, vanilla, water, and espresso powder together.  Set aside.
4.Microwave chocolate and butter together at 50 percent power for a minute.  Whisk until smooth.
5.Whisk in sugar and salt until fully incorporated. 
6. Whisk in cocoa mixture, and then whisk in the egg.
7.Stir in flour mixture until just incorporated.  Do not overmix!
8.Pour batter into pan and bake for about 20 to 25 minutes.
9.Take out the pan and let it cool.  Take out the large square and cut into 12 brownies.

Super light and easy brownies part 1

Hiya!  This is pastrygirl.  I recently found this amazing yummy brownie recipe!
1/2 cup bleached all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
 2 tablespoons dutch cocoa powder
1 tablespoon warm water
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
3/8 teaspoon instant espresso powder
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
3 ounces semisweet chocolate chopped
1/2 cup sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 large egg lightly beaten

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I prefer

I prefer Lindor.
The picture looks very unique although i don't know what it is..


Do you prefer dove or lindor???


I see big trees in the picture.It is very cool!!!!


I see a man riding through a village in the picture.  Not a giant mushroom!  LOL!

fasion tips

i thik iam going to give fasion tips.ok? anyways..... people at my school are currently wearing skinny jeans and a simple jacket.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Random Strokes

Saw this beautiful water color in an art gallery in Carmel last Sunday. It is by the late Chinese artist, S.C. Yuan. Amazing what a few ink brush strokes can convey. Do you like it? What do you see in the painting? How would you title this painting? What about........Giant Mushrooms?????


Hi all authors!  Do you agree to advertise this blog?  It would be great to have a follower!


Welcome spongy chesnut cake!  What is your subject?


Look at all the balloons!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Chocolate strawberries

First melt chocolate over a double boiler.  A double boiler is two pots that fit on top of each other.  The bottom one will hold hot water and the top one will hold chocolate.  This method is used so the chocolate will not burn.  Dip whole strawberries into the melted chocolate.  Put the dipped strawberries onto a tray with parchment paper.  Leave the strawberries out to dry and enjoy.  This recipe is good for Valentines Day.  It combines the color red and chocolate.


I gotta sleep now!  ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ..........


Awesome photo on the earrings!



Sunday, February 13, 2011


The grammy's are on tonight!  Train won a grammy for Hey Soul Sister.


Jessmile is a photographer!  Remember to post a pic of my biscuits!

Hi all!

Aerolily, why are your parents mean?  Also biscuits are good with jam...  Yum!
my parent are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



When you smile, you can get someone else to
smile too! Spread the happy feeling!

more about fasion

just ask aerolily for fasion tips!!!


If I have time maybe I will post some recipes on this blog!  Yum!

fasion and lots more

new fasion: do you think plaid shirts are cool?


The dog park?
going to the dog park i think................. might be back in a few hours!!!
you are so funny!!!!!!!!!lol
Aerolily, you are not a terrible poster!  See, by saying that, you already posted!  Ah Ha!!!  Uhh.....  Sorry...

im a horrible poster

do you agree?????? plz post your opinion!!!!!
im talking rite now..... need to do lots of HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love baking!

I love to bake.  That's why I made my username pastrygirl.....
i seriously dont get this!!!!!!
i dont get this thing.............. or not.....................

New Author Again!

Someone new has joined!
im so tired....................


I am having bagels this morning.


I am so tired.  I will write random things on this blog.   I love brownies!!!!!